10 bad habits that indicate that a child is very intelligent

Perhaps we think that the intelligent child must be a model child: a child who does not break the rules, who is very quiet and attentive in class, who always obeys, who studies a lot, who keeps his room tidy and never gets into trouble. .. Forget it. Intelligence has nothing to do with all this. Moreover, according to some studies, the smartest actually has certain bad habits that will surprise you.
We explain what these 10 habits are that indicate that a child is very intelligent, although obviously, it is not always fulfilled.
The 10 bad habits that indicate that a child is very intelligent, according to some psychologists
Before getting alarmed, let's think that these are relative data: it does not mean that all people who have these habits are very intelligent, or that children who do not have them are not. However, it is a curious fact, an amazing relationship that catches our attention: most children and people who share some of these bad habits actually have a high IQ.
- Tardiness. It turns out that this, which is so frowned upon everywhere, can indicate in a person a lot of self-confidence and optimism, two very positive characteristics of those who succeed. However, it is true that it is not advisable to be late ... in practically no corner of the world is it frowned upon.
- The disorder. It may seem counterintuitive to you, but clutter doesn't always project a cluttered mind. In fact ... it has nothing to do with it! Some psychologists claim that a mind with clear ideas can tend to be disorderly in its external world. In fact, clutter is more closely related to more creative and spontaneous people. Clever people who are messy are capable of finding anything in the middle of clutter, no matter how strange it may seem.
- Complaints. While we all tend to think that complaints only make us see the negative side of things, some psychologists such as the American Guy Winch, affirm that they can be very beneficial, since they make us realize what we want to change and help us to push to get it. They are typical of very intelligent people, he says, who are able to use a complaint appropriately to change a situation. But, beware, you have to differentiate the complaints that help to obtain a benefit from those pitiful complaints that are released more like an outlet.
- They responded. Children who are more 'contested' show that they have more capacity to achieve their goals. They have clear ideas and great confidence in themselves. They are more fighters and this denotes perseverance and another series of qualities that will help you succeed. In fact, the most intelligent children, with an above-average IQ, constantly argue with the intention of expressing and defending their ideas (in which they strongly believe). As they argue, they learn from the other person and their opinions.
- Daydreaming. Dreamy children constantly stimulate their creativity and this helps them find solutions to the problems they encounter. A very useful tool, although from the outside, everyone sees this child as someone who is 'always in the clouds'.
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- Be a gossip. The curiosity of the 'gossiping' children is a positive point in their learning. Children who like to tell secrets or extraordinary things are children with a tremendous desire to discover, create and acquire new knowledge. Using information strategically, telling some things to another person for a specific purpose, is typical of strategic minds and truly amazing.
- Stay up late. There are children who, even if you send them to bed early, are not able to fall asleep. What's more ... they seem to be more active! Well you will be happy to know that many studies by expert psychologists have found a relationship between intelligence and creativity and 'night' activity. In other words, smarter people tend to be more creative and active in the afternoon and at night.
- Laziness. We constantly struggle with laziness, not realizing that the same is not so bad ... It turns out that children and adults who try to procrastinate are actually the smartest. Not because they try to get rid of the task, but because they prefer to look for 'the right moment' to do it and give priority to another task. They are able to organize their time in such a way that they can squeeze out every minute without leaving anything undone at the end of the day.
- Rude. Every time a child swears or swears, we obviously correct him. However, several studies show that children who speak 'with the ugliest words' have a large vocabulary and an amazing agility and dexterity in handling words.
- Anxiety. Anxiety produces discomfort in the person who suffers from it, but nevertheless, it is a symptom of someone very intelligent, who, yes, worries too much, but denotes perfectionism, interest and great knowledge. The more intelligent, the easier it is to see problems and even to intuit them before they arrive.