10 positive reasons for homeschooling

Many articles about why people home school approach the subject from a negative angle. Usually, they look on what parents don't like about public school for kids, but on the other side for many people, the decision to homeschool is about the positive things they want to let into their lives.
- Get involved
As a homeschooler, you can go on all field trips, read all book club offerings and make your own creations in the drop-in art program. Getting to play and learn with your children is one of the biggest benefits of homeschooling.
- Parents learn together with children
Homeschooling can be a positive excuse to fill in the gaps of you kids basic education from your own school days. Learn about interesting people from history, catch up on the latest discoveries in science, and explore the concepts behind math problems. Instead of memorizing dates, definitions and formulas, you can create a learning environment. It's lifelong learning at its best!
- Kids like it
You can ask your children what they prefer €œ staying at home or going to school. If they have friends who homeschool, that means they're there during the day to hang out with when their schoolmates are in class, at soccer practice, band practice, or doing homework.
- Children can learn about their passions
Most children have their own particular passions, areas that they can discuss as an expert. Very few of these fields€modern art, Legos, analyzing horror movies€are the kinds of things students learn about in school. In a traditional school, you don't score with teachers and other students if you have an offbeat interest, but among home schoolers, that's what makes your friends so interesting.
- You meet fascinating people
You hear the best and interesting stories when you ask people what they like to do. As a homeschooler, you'll spend your days visiting people and taking classes with teachers who do it because they really want to, not just because it's their job.
- It teaches children to interact with adults
As home schoolers interact with adults in the community as they go through their everyday experiences, they learn how civilized people treat each other in public. It is a kind of socialization that most school children do not experience until they are ready to go out into the world.
07.It brings children and parents together
One of the best-selling points for homeschooling is hearing from parents of adult home schoolers. Sure, children develop independence, but home-schooled children do so by taking on more and more responsibility for their own learning, not by fighting and rebelling against the adults in their lives. In fact, home schooled teens are often more prepared for adulthood than their traditionally schooled peers.
- Scheduling is flexible
No getting up before dawn to catch the school bus. No anxiety over whether to take a family trip because it means missing class. Homeschooling allows families to learn from anywhere, even on the go, and it gives them the flexibility to do the important things in their lives, on their own schedule.
- 09. It strengthens the parents
Just as it does for children, homeschooling helps parents learn that they can do many things they never dreamed possible. Homeschooling allows parents to be the ones to guide my children from easy readers to trigonometry to college. You get as much out of your children's education as they do. Along the way, you will gain knowledge and develop skills that may even help you in the job market.
- 10. It reinforces family values
Homeschooling can be religious or secular, but there are some things many home schoolers don't believe in€like paying kids pizza, candy, or theme park admission to read a book. Or judging a person's worth by their athletic ability or their grades.
Home schooled kids don't need the latest gadgets, and they don't need to take lessons in critical thinking because they've been practicing it their whole lives. This is why homeschooling is such a positive force for families who choose this path.