12 differences between the positive and negative perspective on life

Attitude is the way we look at things around us and life in general. It is for this reason that it is seen as the "control center" of our lives. Your attitude is a decision that in turn is a learned behavior. Decide to achieve a positive mental attitude towards everything you do. Maintain this attitude, to overcome obstacles, such as dealing with a failed start to an activity (I started badly, but I will end perfectly!) or a bad coincidence (everything will be fine!). 12 differences between the positive and negative perspective on life.
However, not all people know how to maintain their positive attitude every day, how to be able to see the good in every situation. For this reason, psychologists have compiled a list of the essential differences between happy and unhappy people, as well as their characteristics.
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12 differences between the positive and negative perspective on life
- Positive people are ready for new adventures and experiences. The negatives are afraid of change.
- Positive people say, "Well done, you're a true professional!" The negatives think, "There's no point in praising someone for something they have to do anyway."
- Positive people start the conversation with, “How are you? I really hope everything is fine with you! ¦ The negatives say:“ I will¦ and talk about themselves all the time.
- Positive people take care of the people around them and are always ready to help and support. The negatives are convinced that they are the center of the universe.
- Positive people do not run away from responsibility for their own failure. Negatives blame others for their own mistakes.
- Positive people apologize for their mistakes and for any inconvenience they cause. Negative people do not apologize, even when they know they are guilty.
- Positive people try not to hurt the feelings of others. The negatives are only interested in themselves and their own benefits.
- Positive people want others to succeed, negative people secretly hope others fail.
- Positive people participate in all kinds of constructive discussions. Negatives hate to be criticized.
- Positive people strive to learn new things. The negatives are convinced that they know everything.
- Positive people say, "Keep your head up, calm down, I'm with you," negative people say, "You'll get over it, cry, things will get better."
- Positive people say, "I have to change something. I will not continue to live like this. Negatives say: "Nothing can be done about it. That is my destiny. "