12 incredible home remedies for removing skin marks

You can buy fresh, ready-made aloe Vera juice from health food stores if you can use it for this purpose. home remedies for removing skin marks.
What are skin marks?
Most of us will develop at least a few skin marks at some point. They are excessive growths of collagen and tend to occur where the skin naturally folds - for example in the neck and near the forearm region. Usually pink or brown in color, they are benign but can be ugly. They are more common in people with special medical conditions such as diabetes and some common viral infections. Even if it is easily removed by a doctor or nurse, it is faster and cheaper to sort the problem yourself with these 12 home methods. Remember that if you have any underlying medical conditions or are unsure whether a skin mark is really a benign growth, always seek the advice of a trained doctor before attempting to remove skin marks.
How to remove skin marks quickly and easily!
- Aloe Vera
- Pineapple juice
- Lemon juice
- Onion juice
- Garlic
- Oregano oil
- Tea Tree Oil
- Potatoes
- Fig Strain Juice
- Apple cider vinegar
- Nail polish
- Banana peel
What are skin marks?
Most of us will develop at least a few skin marks at some point. They are excessive growths of collagen and tend to occur where the skin naturally folds - for example in the neck and near the forearm region. Usually pink or brown in color, they are benign but can be ugly. They are more common in people with special medical conditions such as diabetes and some common viral infections. Even if it is easily removed by a doctor or nurse, it is faster and cheaper to sort the problem yourself with these 12 home methods. Remember that if you have any underlying medical conditions or are unsure whether a skin mark is really a benign growth, always seek the advice of a trained doctor before attempting to remove skin marks.
- Aloe Vera
You can buy fresh, ready-made aloe vera juice from health food stores that you can use for this purpose. Alternatively, you can buy an aloe vera plant, cut along one of the leaves and squeeze out the liquid inside. Rub a small amount on the skin mark once a day until it shrinks. Aloe vera is known worldwide for its antiseptic, skin healing properties and should therefore ensure that no scars remain after the thorn has passed.
- Pineapple juice
Rub in fresh juice from this tropical fruit at least twice a day for two weeks. At the end of this period, the skin tag should be gone!
- Lemon juice
Extract the juice from a large lemon. Take a small cotton ball and soak it in the juice. Apply it on the skin mark with a bandaid to hold it in place. Replace the wool as needed for a few days until the skin is removed.
- Onion juice
Chop up a large onion and pass through a sieve to extract the juice. Apply the juice on the skin mark once a day for about two weeks. This is a great way to use regular scrubs to remove skin marks.
- Garlic
Grind a clove of garlic every day and put the mixture on the skin mark for a couple of hours. Within a few days, the thorn should begin to decrease in size and density. Garlic is good for your skin because it contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Oregano oil
Oregano oil contains antiseptic compounds, and is an effective means of drying out skin marks. Use three drops of oregano oil in six drops of neutral berry oil (like coconut) and apply it three times a day for 3-5 weeks until the thorn falls off by itself.
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- Tea Tree Oil
Take a small cotton ball and put 3 drops of tea tree oil on it. Now dip on the skin mark with circular motions. Do this three times a day for at least 5 days. The skin mark should disappear.
- Potatoes
Along with a variety of skin-friendly vitamins and minerals, potatoes have wonderful astringent properties that can dry out skin marks. Cut a small piece of potato, place it over the skin and hold in place with a bandaid. Replace the potatoes every two hours.
- Fig Strain Juice
Buy some figs with their stems intact. Remove a couple of stalks, run them through a blender and apply the juice four times a day every day for a few weeks.
- Apple cider vinegar
Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and press it firmly against the skin mark and hold it in place with a bandaid or a bandage. Repeat every day until the skin mark has passed.
- Nail polish
The nail polish dries naturally and forms a dense cast around the skin mark that causes it to come loose and drop off. Dip just a few drops of polish on the skin mark and wait a few days to see the effects.
- Banana peel
Cut a small piece of banana peel and place it over the peel. Hold it in place with a bandage and change the shell every day. After about 2 weeks, the skin mark should fall off.