4 school habits that are harmful to the environment

the environment! You need to review daily actions and choose environmental alternatives. 4 school habits that are harmful to the environment.

4 school habits that are harmful to the environment
4 school habits that are harmful to the environment

Ecological consciousness begins with school. And here it is not enough to talk about global catastrophes and how important it is to add about the environment! You need to review daily actions and choose environmental alternatives. 4 school habits that are harmful to the environment.

So what negative habits does your school have?

  1. Ordinary leaking lamps and taps

The best thing to do for the school wallet and the environment is to replace energy-saving fluorescent lamps. They consume 75% less electricity and can work much longer! Choose LED lamps with yellow light: it does not cause adverse health effects.

And what can be done without high costs? Unplug the appliance, repair leaking faucets and toilets. This will save you about 0.26 watts of electricity and more than 20 liters of water per day! For comparison, a charging smartphone consumes up to 3.68 watts, and in the shower we use about 12 liters of water per minute.

  1. Balloons, bouquets and disposable utensils

Colorful balls, candies on plastic dishes and flowers in a beautiful package - this is what a traditional school celebration looks like. Did you know that:

  • One balloon decomposes over 4 years;
  • Plastic (such as disposable tableware and flower wrappers) decomposes in about 500 years.

Of course, if you love flowers, you do not need to give them up completely! But keep in mind ecological alternatives: sweets in paper wrappers, reusable utensils and potted plants.

  1. Aggressive school cosmetics

By using harmful household chemicals, we pollute the environment. In fact, even the production of such "school cosmetics" is dangerous. After all, this is a complex process that requires many resources. For example, during the production of any household chemical, a lot of water is consumed, and carbon dioxide emissions are out of the question.

The ideal option is to create "cosmetics" yourself within the subjects "I explore the world", science and chemistry. Or just during the educational hour!

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This way you will avoid:

  • Products that are tested on animals (ethical alternative in the store - marked "Cruelty free").
  • Phosphate agents that provoke flowering ponds (composed of: Phosphate, Phosphonate).
  • Surfactants that worsen the condition of the inhabitants of the reservoirs (in the composition: in addition to phosphates, there are other ingredients ending in -ate).
  • Refined products that accumulate in water and soil, disrupting the functioning of the environment and microorganisms (consisting of: Vaseline, salicylic acid, mineral oil, paraffin, etc.).
  • Means with microplastic (as a part: the beginning of names from "Poly,", "Acry¦").

  1. Pencil with eraser, files and pen

The 3R rule prevails in ecology: reduce, reuse, recycle, ie reduce consumption, reuse and recycle. And still it is necessary to sort garbage. And what could be better than sorting? Of course, reducing the amount of garbage!

Remember that only those who do nothing are not mistaken! Learn something new and change for the better.