5 keys to choosing your children school

one of the most popular questions when deciding, but there are other criteria that demand attention. choosing your children school

5 keys to choosing your children school
5 keys to choosing your children school

The project or the educational methodologies are one of the most popular questions when deciding, but there are other criteria that demand attention. choosing your children school.

Four days ago you were changing diapers and, without even realizing it, you are preparing the backpack for your little one to face on the first day of school. The feelings are mixed in a combination of nostalgia and emotion that, those who keep in mind the memory of that first school day, will live as if, suddenly, they were returning to the earliest childhood. And the adventure is shared. Parents and children are accomplices in this journey, although, above all, when it comes to choosing the school, the former play a more important role.

However, something has changed. The fact of approaching the task from the perspective of parenthood provides a different point of view but, in addition, the reality in the classroom has little to do with what you remembered. The offer has been multiplied, reinvented and reformed so much that, although apparently you still see the facilities of your old school, inside the universe has undergone a profound transformation (or not) as a result of years of research, commitment and innovation that On many occasions, they are signed by restless teachers, with their own names, who feel the exercise of their profession with real passion.

Public or private education? Languages €¹€¹or new technologies? With or without dining room? Religious or secular? Surely if at some point you have faced the task of choosing a school for your children (or the prospect of doing so is looming on the horizon) you will recognize yourself in these and many other questions. How do you know if you have made the right choice? What criteria should prevail when choosing the children's school? The decision is as particular as it is complicated, although there are some keys that can help you tip the balance towards one option or another.

  1. The educational project

Gone are the years when classes in schools were limited to a masterful explanation before an audience with ratios that today would scandalize any teacher. Innovation has crept into the classroom and the educational models are so varied that when it comes to choosing a school, you can feel overwhelmed. Work for projects? Bilingual teaching? Literacy? The possibilities are immense and it is convenient to know them to know which one best fits with your philosophy and the training you want for your children.

Ensuring that the educational project that starts in early childhood continues in primary school or meeting the center's teaching team to confirm that it is a gear that works perfectly, will also inspire confidence.

  1. Home and school: a harmonious relationship

Consistency will be a factor to take into account when choosing a school for your children. Beyond the educational project, keep in mind that school is, together with the home, one of the basic pillars of children's education and, consequently, both scenarios should offer your child a similar, or at least complementary, vision of the world. For example, it does not make much sense to opt for a religious center if the family is convinced secular or to do it for a private school if the defense of the public is a priority at home.

Do they work on emotional intelligence, do they apply innovative methodologies, are there exchanges with other centers, do they follow new educational trends? These are some questions that can help you identify the values €¹€¹of the school to make the decision easier.

  1. The facilities.

Without falling into the error of being clouded by the facilities without delving into the educational project or the methodologies used in the center, the truth is that the importance of educational spaces must be valued. It is not only that the different classrooms must respond to the needs of students in terms of development but, as many experts note, physical spaces affect relationships, learning and creativity, especially in school.

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Knowing if the school has an adapted psychomotor classroom, a music class, a library or new technology classroom as well as appropriate sports facilities is interesting when choosing the school for your children.

  1. Attention to diversity.

Another key that you can take into account is how diversity is served. Knowing the degree of integration offered by the educational center by verifying whether or not there is a TEA classroom, whether there is room in the classrooms for students with functional diversity or whether the center has support will give you clues in this regard. Betting on a center where diversity is present is a way of educating respect for integration and values €¹€¹such as tolerance, coexistence or collaboration.

  1. Much more than an educational center.

A school has a lot to offer both children and families and it is worth keeping this in mind when choosing. In addition to how you work in the classes or the philosophy of the center itself, questions such as whether or not it has a dining room, the proximity to the center (which will facilitate the socialization of your children in the future), the extracurricular activities that are offered, the role of the AMPA and parental involvement or student profile can help you clarify which school is the most appropriate for your child.

From the analysis and evaluation of the above criteria you will be able to obtain a more or less clear idea of €¹€¹what type of center you are looking for and, consequently, make the choice easier. However, do not miss the opportunity to visit different cabbages, tour their classrooms in the company of those who will be your children's teachers and even parents who, like you, are looking for the best alternative. Explore, know, ask and draw your conclusions because you know what? The person who best knows the needs of your children and can decide on their education is you.