5 positions that will soon be replaced by artificial intelligence
employees, and of course without fatigue, the need for sleep or other things. positions that will soon be replaced by artificial intelligence.

According to a study by Oxford University, 45% of current jobs will disappear in the next 10 years. This is because they will either be fully automated or be upgraded to a level where only a fraction of the current workforce will be needed. A few people will operate a whole host of machines. In addition, machines that will do a lot of work much faster than current employees, and of course without fatigue, the need for sleep or other things. positions that will soon be replaced by artificial intelligence.
What does it mean? But you have to take into account that there are jobs that will no longer exist, but positions will be needed to create replacement intelligent solutions - programmers. So learning to program for kids is the future for them today.
Programming course for children or "standard" fields of study?
These are the professions that better remain only a relic of the past, and in their place it is worth focusing on learning programming. This is especially true of young people who will not enter the labor market until a decade or more.
Working as drivers (taxi, bus, delivery truck, etc.), they may soon lose their jobs thanks to artificial intelligence and the development of autonomous vehicles. It's no news that companies like Tesla, Ford, Uber and even Apple are developing and testing autonomous vehicles! In fact, all major car makers are moving towards electric and autonomous cars, and those who don't will soon be left behind. Smart cars have been appearing on the roads for some time, but the main problem so far is ... the lack of social trust in their operation, although tests indicate a greater degree of safety than in the case of "human" drivers.
Agriculture has always been, and still is, a huge labor sector, but that is likely to change in the coming decade. Advances in artificial intelligence have resulted in the automation of earlier manual processes such as planting seeds, harvesting ripe fruits and vegetables, and many, many more. The same applies to the breeding of various kinds of animals. Here, the automation of the once human, physical work is in full swing.
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Shop assistance.
This is already happening before our eyes, the stores of the future will only need one cashier to "oversee" 8-10 checkouts and transactions. Thanks to this, we no longer have to wait in long queues for purchases and we gladly use it. Most of the chain stores already have self-service checkouts, they are often crowded and practically each of us used them at least once to save time.
Personal assistants.
Who needs a personal assistant these days when smart assistants like Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant and many more are ready to help you with everything from booking a flight to ordering dinner at your favorite restaurant and even tell you a joke! They do their job better and better, and are on hand 24/7?
Stock brokers
According to Bloomberg, the US stock market is owned by bots. 90% of all financial turnover worldwide, every day is due to bots! The remaining 10% are real traders and investors. Well, this shouldn't surprise us because where there is money to be earned, there will always be someone to try to automate it and gain a competitive edge.
Learning to program for kids now will bear fruit in the future.
The development of artificial intelligence and automation will not only require work, but also create jobs - jobs requiring high qualifications. To get them, one option is to learn programming for kids and teens and continue it into adulthood. In a word, learning new skills that will allow you to easily adapt to the trend is the best way to remain a relevant employee even in the coming era of AI.