5 trends in educational technology for this 2021

5 trends in educational technology for this 2021
5 trends in educational technology for this 2021

We review the main trends in education and technology that emerged in 2020 and that will surely continue to develop throughout 2021. What are the trends in education and technology for 2021? 2020 will surely be remembered by many within the educational community as the year of the great technological leap. One of the many changes that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought about has been the closure of educational centers in various countries. As a consequence, education has had to make an unexpected and rapid transition to distance learning. 5 trends in educational technology for this 2021.

All levels, from kindergarten or pre-school to higher education, have had to adapt and there are figures that indicate that e-learning has increased considerably during 2020.

In the first stage, the focus has been directed towards the best technologies and tools with which to carry out e-learning. But after this first moment, the attention has shifted to how to integrate the appropriate methodologies with technology in the teaching process.

We leave you these trends in education and technology for this 2021, which will surely continue to develop.

  1. Microlearning

Confinement brought with it an increase in screen fatigue and, at the same time, a decrease in attention span. How do we tackle this problem in both distance and face-to-face classes? The answer may lie in microlearning.

Microlearning is an educational strategy characterized by the brevity of its lessons and its learning units. It involves providing students with information in smaller amounts, over a shorter period of time (around 15 minutes). Thus, knowledge and skill sets are provided without overwhelming the student and in a more dynamic way than the traditional one. Learning in short bursts is proven to increase our ability to assimilate and retain information. By providing your students with small bits of information, you are much more likely to increase their productivity, grab their attention, and support their learning ability.

  1. Flipped Learning or Flipped Learning

Flipped learning is not just about videos. You can also use other content such as podcast, newspaper articles or a book chapter. That is, any content in different formats as long as it is intentional and directed.

During online classes, this methodology was widely used by teachers. Students worked through the material on their own until they understood the concept, and during a live class or in small group sessions, they had the opportunity to apply what they learned. Teachers could then provide additional support by answering questions or correcting misconceptions.

The same can be done in a traditional setting by giving students something to watch or read for homework, such as a video, podcast, or text. Back in class, they may be asked to work on assignments that make them apply their learning. Also, individual talks or group discussions can be held.

  1. Child-led Learning or Learning directed by children

Other trends in education and technology for this 2021 is “Child-led learning, which tries to follow the interests and curiosities of a child and use them to develop academic skills.

Distance learning allowed teachers to learn more about the personal lives of the students in their class. As something to salvage from virtual mode, teachers were able to see children's interests and abilities in a variety of areas that are not normally a feature of a school day.

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Online classes often begin with “preparation questions about what students do before class, plans after school, or until they eat breakfast. And when exercises had to be done at home, many children did so with their own interests. These activities help teachers grasp what their students are interested in. The same could be brought into traditional settings and used to develop curricula that develop children's inner talents and facilitate child-led learning.

In this way, in the traditional classroom setting where teachers are expected to begin teaching immediately after entering the classroom, it can be replaced with this session of “preparation questions so that you know which activity they like the most, what are they? their plans and what resources they need.

  1. Email and messaging channels

Since this transition to distance learning, teachers have become used to sending quick two-line emails for small assignments, updates, feedback on assignments, and other details. It also became more common to use the instant messaging channels that many education platforms offer.

Email or other messaging channels not only save teachers time, but students also have more opportunities to clarify their queries. An internal email or message also encourages students to consult more. In addition to providing a personalized touch, which is essential for a good education, it helps students know that their teachers know them and are available to answer their questions or queries.

  1. Social networks in learning

Did we ever imagine that social media would be part of the learning process? From the time that each student spends on social networks, the idea arose to turn it into a powerful tool for learning.

Many teachers have started using social media as a communication tool where students can easily interact with others. Students can share study materials, discuss with others in a group, or carry out new projects. Social networks are here to stay, so we must try to build with them a culture of collaboration and exchange, which can lead to more meaningful learning for students.