6 aspects of our lives that are negatively affected by social networks
this has its advantages, there are always two sides to the coin. our lives that are negatively affected by social networks.

Never before has it been so easy for people to communicate with each other as it is now. The era of social networks and the Internet has fallen on our generation. And while this has its advantages, there are always two sides to the coin. our lives that are negatively affected by social networks.
Network dependence can have a detrimental effect on mental health. Abuse of these benefits of modernity can make people more unhappy and isolated from the world. The constant flurry of perfectly filtered photos on Instagram underestimates the self-esteem of many people, and obsessively checking the news feed before bed can cause insomnia.
6 examples of how social media can negatively affect mental health, even if a person is not aware of it.
Each of us has a share of uncertainty. Some people talk about it openly, some people think that it is better to keep it to yourself. Be that as it may, people tend to compare themselves to others on social media by following their aesthetically perfect photos on Instagram or their relationship status on Facebook. And this in turn can significantly increase self-doubt.
Realizing how much time you spend flipping through other people's social media pages can help you focus more on yourself and increase your self-confidence.
As human beings, it is important for us to be able to communicate and form personal relationships with each other. But it can be difficult for people chained to rectangular screens, who are more likely to see digital profiles than real people in person.
Social networks have a great function: they can be a box of memories and from time to time tell us about past events.
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But it can also distort your memories. Many of us can be blamed for spending too much time trying to take the perfect photo of something.
Nothing criminal, but the thing is that during this time we mostly do not look at things with our own eyes. We look at them through the lens. "By focusing on building the best frame so that our subscribers can admire it, we lose the opportunity to enjoy other aspects of real-time
Sleep is one of the most important aspects of a healthy life.
But most of us are used to using the phone at bedtime, which complicates the process of falling asleep.
"Experiencing anxiety or envy of what we see on social media keeps our brains on high alert, preventing us from falling asleep.
In addition, screen light can suppress the release of melatonin, a hormone that helps us feel tired,
Try to follow one rule: do not use the phone at least 40 minutes before bedtime and see how it will change the quality of your sleep.
Despite the fact that now a person has access to an incredible amount of information in their hands, now a person is much easier to distract than before. Social networks have become a means of seductive, instant and easy access to entertainment.
If you find it difficult not to check your phone for at least a few minutes, you need to work hard on your willpower.
Mental health
Social media not only causes unhappiness, but also leads to the development of mental health problems, in particular, cause anxiety and depression.
Researchers surveyed 1,000 young people and found that more than a third of Generation Z had given up social media forever, and 41% said that social media platforms made them feel anxious, doubtful and depressed.
Although you are not obliged to leave social networks forever, and if you feel like a swamp is pulling you down, why not consider a temporary break from them during everyday activities? A small change can bring many benefits.