6 methods of memory training
Every year, most teachers make every effort to tell their students as much as possible about the topic of study. Everyone strives

Author's methods of memorization from world-famous speakers, scientists and artists.
Every year, most teachers make every effort to tell their students as much as possible about the topic of study. Everyone strives to have time to master the program material with each class. Is it as important as we think?
For modern students, the teacher has long been a source of knowledge. That's a fact! Almost all the information that students hear during the lesson, they can easily find on the Internet. So what, teachers are no longer needed? On the contrary, the role of the teacher has transformed and grown significantly: he must no longer just impart knowledge to his students, but also help them master a crucial universal skill - learning to learn. How to achieve this? To do this, you need to understand the principles of structuring any information and learn the secrets of memorizing it.
How to be able to remember the most important? We offer several effective methods of memory development, which were invented by world-famous personalities who were famous for their unique memory.
Mark Twain's method for graphical structuring of information
American writer Mark Twain was an amazing speaker. He surprised his listeners with the fact that he did not use abstracts during the reports, although he reported for several hours. What is the secret of his success? He invented an amazing method of structuring information.
Principle: All the material in any report Mark Twain conditionally divided into 5 parts, and for each of them he schematically drew a corresponding image. It reproduced the brightest moment that the writer wanted to convey to the public.
Ivan Aivazovsky method for training photographic memory
This technique was regularly practiced by the talented marine artist Ivan Aivazovsky, creating his paintings. How did he manage to reflect the waves on the canvas in such a way that the viewer kept a sense of their movement? Probably one of the reasons for this is the photographic memory of the artist, which, by the way, can be developed.
Principle: Look closely at a particular object, person or landscape. Study it for at least five minutes. Then close your eyes and try to imagine what you saw. You will be able to evaluate the result by opening your eyes.
Pythagorean method for structuring daily information
This world-famous philosopher and mathematician was famous for his incredible memory. For its development, he recommended practicing a fairly simple, yet effective exercise every day.
Principle: Every night before going to sleep, you need to remember in detail the events of the past day and answer yourself 3 simple questions:
- What have I done?
- What didn't I do?
- What do I have left to do?
Harry Lorraine's method for associative memorization
Harry Lorraine is a world-renowned magician, writer and, according to Time magazine, the world's number one specialist in memory development. For example, after he was introduced to each listener in the hall, he remembered them all by name. And this is more than 1.5 thousand people! How does he do it?
Harry Lorraine is the author of several books in which he talks about his own mnemonics. One of them is the chain method of memorization, the meaning of which is to create associations. Probably, students like this reception the most.
Principle: This technique is used to memorize lists. The point is that the imagination creates a connection between a word on a list and words immediately before and after it.
So imagine a soldier standing on a rack "slim", waiting for the blacksmith to shoe his horse. The surname Popov is logically associated with the priest. The next association is a blacksmith, who at the request of the priest installs a new cross on the church.
You should choose your own associations for any list of words.
Cicero's method with connection of location during memorization
Cicero - an ancient Roman politician and philosopher, at one time he gained fame as a brilliant orator. This method of memorization is also called the "palace of memory", or "locus method".
Principle: Invite students to imagine themselves in a familiar place. Each interior object is a location to which you want to attach an idea or object that you need to remember. For example, the front door may be the first location, the bedside table in the hallway - the second, the chandelier in the living room - the third. If you want to memorize a word, create an association between it and one of the objects in the house.
Walking mentally around the palace of memory, you will remember not only the route, but also objects tied to individual locations.
Chanking method to group information according to certain principles
This method is to divide the whole array of information you need to remember into separate groups. Many people use it when trying to memorize phone numbers by writing them down.
Principle: Invite students to group the information they need to memorize according to certain principles, content, or patterns.
Everyone chooses the principle of combination. For example, some find it easier to remember a shopping list when items are arranged alphabetically. And others find it easier to break them down into groups, such as fruits, dairy and meat products, sweets, and so on.
Our brains are used to looking for connections in the world around us, so most people easily master this mnemonic.