6 phenomena that help you reach your target audience
you can successfully control the behavior of your target audience. Education has listed 6 different phenomena that help you reach your target

Marketing opens up an infinite number of interpretive possibilities. This can sometimes be seen as a major disadvantage for your company and your product, but with the right methods, you can successfully control the behavior of your target audience. Education has listed 6 different phenomena that help you reach your target group in an effective way.
- Word of Mouth (WOM) - How we share events and products on a daily basis, both online and in real life
People tend to trust other people's words, more than they trust advertising. Quite reasonable and also something you as a marketer can use. The most important thing of all is to keep the experience of your company and product on top, as this can also have a negative impact. For example, you can ask for reviews or lead someone to speak well of you in their own channels. For this to work, it can also be good to offer something in return. Here they use a lot of Social Proof, that people want to be and do as other people. When we hear others talk about what a wonderful experience they had of a product, it often results in us also wanting to take part in it, because who wants to feel left out?
- Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) - When We Are Afraid To Miss Important Events
Speaking of the feeling of exclusion. Imagine an upcoming big and exclusive event that you do not have the opportunity to attend, but all your friends are going there. The feeling that arises then is called FOMO. We are all afraid of missing important and big events, especially if people around us will participate. This is a very beneficial marketing ploy today. It can be combined with other methods such as Loss Aversion, which means that the feeling of loss is always stronger than the feeling of gain. Example: 13 other people are currently viewing this product, buy now and save 30%. If you were to also add a small timeline for how long it is left on offer, you would create a sense of urgency. That you as a customer must hurry to take advantage of this offer that so many want, in the short time that is left and also save 30% of what the product would have cost.
- Authority - Use by someone who is an expert in their field and exudes confidence
In marketing, you can use an authority that gives a sense of expertise or be seen as a role model. For example, if you are marketing a pair of new training shoes, why not use a person who has expertise in just training. Ask him to test the shoes and thus act as a "promoter" for your product. This would give your customers, and potential customers, a sense of trust in you and your product.
- Reciprocity - Reciprocity, giving something to get something back
Make the customer / user feel personally met, regardless of whether it is an existing customer or a prospective. The important thing is to create a give and take relationship throughout the purchase price, but also before and after. Customers expect more in the present and if they do not feel appreciated, they look further.
Why not create a unique offer for your best customers? Or give new customers a certain percentage discount? Make them feel special through personal marketing and contact. In this way, they get both attention and the chance for good offers, which makes them more likely to give back what you want from them.
- Reciprocity - Reciprocity, giving something to get something back
Make the customer / user feel personally met, regardless of whether it is an existing customer or a prospective. The important thing is to create a give and take relationship throughout the purchase price, but also before and after. Customers expect more in the present and if they do not feel appreciated, they look further.
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Why not create a unique offer for your best customers? Or give new customers a certain percentage discount? Make them feel special through personal marketing and contact. In this way, they get both attention and a chance for good offers, which makes them more likely to give back what you want from them.
- Framing effect - How people react differently depending on how the product is presented
How is the product presented? Again, people react differently to choices presented as profit and loss, respectively. As an example: Buy 1 and get 1 for free. That is where the focus is on “free more than on the price itself and we feel that we benefit from buying the product. What we forget is that we are still losing money on making the purchase. One example is shopping for a certain amount to get free shipping. Instead of buying the only product we were looking for from the beginning, we buy three more products, to get something for free. The price may happen to be double, but we got free shipping. It is about psychology, to trigger emotions and behaviors through manipulation. Here you can also use storytelling, to perhaps through a small film present a story about the product, to push a certain feeling in the spectator.
- Status quo bias - Based on the fear of taking the consequences of a daring choice
We prefer to leave things as they are, by doing nothing / doing less. To give the recipient suggestions that require as little effort as possible. We like to be comfortable and stay in the Status Quo.
Therefore, in your marketing, you should present how easy and feasible your solution or product is. For example, on Instagram, you should not throw out in one and the same artical that your followers should like, comment, subscribe and buy your product at the same time. Start with a artical where you might ask a simple question that they can answer in the comments field. Make it easy for your users to help you move forward and show how it can be to their advantage, rather than your own. Sometimes it is important not to rush into something happening at once. Instead, you can let it take some time and at the same time build relationships and give users a comfortable shopping trip, in different steps, to get through.
There are many different ways to reach out with your digital media marketing. These methods are connected in many different ways and can be combined, which may make it difficult to understand where and how to use them. Our goal with this list is to give you new ways of thinking, or possibly refreshing your memory, with various tricks to achieve the desired results in your marketing.