6 tips before going into the wall

get enough done. The stress is starting to feel more and more noticeable and NOBODY understands you. 6 tips before going into the wall.

6 tips before going into the wall
6 tips before going into the wall

Many people put too much on their plate and work hard to achieve their goals. The result? Late nights, work weekends and above all - high stress levels. You have high demands, not only on yourself but also on the environment. The days fly by, you never get enough done. The stress is starting to feel more and more noticeable and NOBODY understands you. 6 tips before going into the wall.

When you are stuck in a congested whirlwind of activities, it can be difficult to stop sometimes. Some helpful tips to you unwind.

  1. Take a close look at your leisure activities

If you have too many of them, ask yourself a few questions: What activities am I looking forward to? Is it something I could have done without?

If you do not love what you do, do not do it. If you are a member of a club or organization with the sole purpose of adding a line to your resume, pause your commitments and feel how your stress level drops. It does not make you a snitch; it shows that you are a sane person who understands how to prioritize his time. Also consider the negative stress of each business you are involved in.

  1. Lower the level a little

Friends want to meet. Grades must be achieved. The essay must be submitted and it is sitting on the nation you work for free. It's easy to be in a bubble of the same dealings, performance anxiety, thoughts and ideas. Do not forget to zoom out sometimes, take a look at your life from the outside - and above all - lower the level.

  1. Grading

You will probably get a bad grade sooner or later if you continue at a pace like this. Do not let yourself be fooled; there is no such thing as true perfection in academia. If you are currently a student with top grades, you should come to the fact that at some point you will do worse. Some courses are more difficult than others and more tedious. You can not define yourself with the grades you get. Keep in mind that you have so much else to live for than just the grades.

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  1. Learn to say "no"

Saying no is not a crime. Do everything step by step you can„¢t do it at once.

  1. Stop studying when your brain says stop

Of course, you have to study quite hard if you are to succeed in an exam, but there comes a point when it is simply not worth it to increase your time studying. Sure, if you spend eight hours studying, you can get a perfect score¦ but what would you lose? Sleep? Your sense of reason. Maybe both.

  1. Do not let the almanac control

Carrying around an almanac can be a lifesaver if you discover writing down all your lectures and meetings, staying on track and letting yourself calmly glide from one activity to the next. It will also make you do things on time and arrive on time. However, some may just be stressed by seeing how crowded the week is with five hours of work at the nation, four lectures, three seminars, three club meetings, two hours of study time, a driving rehearsal written in print when you wake up in the morning. If you've never had a problem keeping track of where you need to be and when you need to be there, you may not need a planner. See if your days get a little less hectic and your hours a little less divided!

It is quite obvious that there is no quick fix for anxiety and no easy cure for stress. Sometimes you may be tempted to quit all your collegiate activities - and classes included - due to the overwhelming pressure to achieve great results. If you are in this type of situation, then play with the above suggestions. Even a small change in your way of prioritizing and managing your activities can trigger a domino effect of positive results. And while it's probably true that an energy drink or coffee will keep you awake late enough to finish writing an article for your sociology lecture, nothing in a jar or cup will change the way you perceive and react to a stressful lifestyle. It must come from within.