7 common mistakes that teachers can make
You have probably noticed that the same children in different teachers behave completely differently in class.

Mistakes can be made by both young professionals and experienced teachers.
You have probably noticed that the same children in different teachers behave completely differently in class. Why is this happening? What exactly depends on the teacher? What is the secret of teachers in whom children do not quarrel in class, but listen with interest and run to class with pleasure?
We have analyzed and identified the 7 most common mistakes made by teachers who make noise in the classroom.
Inability to interest
Did you ask the students which subjects they like the most and why? Most of them will answer that the most favorite is those where the teacher can tell interesting stories.
A true professional knows much more than the program material from the textbook, and a talented teacher not only has the knowledge and passion for his subject but also knows how to interest his students in it!
Tip: In order for students not to lose interest in your subject, during the lessons, in addition to the program material, tell interesting facts or stories on the topic that are not in the school textbook. It is best to do this in a storytelling format.
Lack of feedback from the class
Some teachers are so fascinated by what they say that they don't always pay attention to the class's reaction. And if students are not active participants in the educational process, they lose interest. In addition, feedback allows the teacher to understand how well students have mastered the material.
Tip: When explaining the topic of the lesson, constantly engage the class in dialogue by asking questions. Reflection techniques are also an effective way to get feedback.
Every day of a teacher's life is full of stress. That's a fact! But it is the ability to respond to it instantly and in a balanced way that distinguishes a true teacher from a mediocre teacher.
Have you ever had to face rudeness? Hear insults from students? Probably everyone! And it depends on the teacher's reaction whether such an incident will happen again in the future.
Tip: Whatever happens, do your best not to let emotions get the better of you. Your reaction should be balanced, appropriate, and constructive.
Uniformity of the educational process and monotony of the voice
If students, each time they enter the classroom, predict what awaits them (for example, the first 10 minutes the teacher will scold someone for behavior, then half the lesson will read the textbook, and the last 10 minutes will be a test - and so on) and all this is accompanied by a monotonous story, then their interest in the lesson will not be discussed.
The teacher's lack of emotion and monotony at best make students drowsy and want to do their own thing in class.
Tip: Involve new learning techniques, modern educational tools, and, in addition to reproductive exercises, invite students to complete creative tasks.
Remember that the effectiveness of the lesson largely depends on the form of presentation of the material. So try to emphasize and talk moderately emotionally during the lesson.
Remember that the effectiveness of the lesson largely depends on the form of presentation of the material. So try to emphasize and talk moderately emotionally during the lesson.
If the teacher wants the students to comply with his requirements in the lesson, he must first be extremely organized.
Lesson plans for all classes in one notebook; assessments of students on separate sheets that are lost; homework that is set but not necessarily checked; lack of clear requirements for students - we hope this is not about you!
Of course, a teacher is not a robot who does everything according to an agreed-upon algorithm, but if you can't organize yourself, you can't hope for others.
Tip: Carefully plan each lesson, be consistent, keep timely and accurate records, and keep your promises.
Low self-esteem or self-confidence and disrespect for students
Each time he enters a new class, the language teacher opens a cage with tigers. And whether it will be possible to "tame" students or they will not perceive and respect the "trainer" - depends on the teacher.
Tip: Remember that in any case, you have an absolute advantage over students - life experience. You were once both a child and a teenager, and you became an adult. Therefore, you can better understand students and predict their behavior based on their own experience.
At the same time, when interacting with students, try to follow the model of communication, not just "adult - child/adolescent", but "personality - personality".
The most effective way to gain students' respect is to be dignified and respectful. After all, in some ways, you are better and smarter than them, and in some ways - they are better than you. And this is normal.
Reluctance to learn something new
After working for several years, teachers know the program material perfectly. And students, when confronted with him for the first time, always make mistakes. This subconsciously creates conditions for the professional deformation of the teacher and the consolidation of misconceptions about his knowledge and skills.
Tip: To avoid this psychological trap, try to constantly learn something new and apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Follow educational trends, improve your skills and use the experience of colleagues.