7 guidelines for teaching children with clip thinking

has become a real problem. How to motivate them to learn? Let's talk about it. guidelines for teaching children with clip thinking.

7 guidelines for teaching children with clip thinking

Clip thinking is a modern phenomenon, the reason for the formation of which was the rapid development of innovative media communications. Is it good or bad? Unfortunately, it is difficult for modern children to concentrate, they are constantly switching between things to impress them - you really have to try. And the fragmentary and superficial knowledge of schoolchildren has become a real problem. How to motivate them to learn? Let's talk about it. guidelines for teaching children with clip thinking.

Realism and usefulness

Generation Z lives in its own "ordered" world and requires the same order and logic from learning. So it is not surprising that the very idea of €¹€¹studying "abstract objects" that have little to do with real life, most students find strange. The goal of the new generation is to obtain information that has obvious practical benefits. What shall I do? The key to success is to create curricula that focus on the modern world and the opportunity to be realized in it. And modern children want to know exactly what and in what time they are required. That is why it is so important to clearly define the deadlines for tasks and summarizing the results of each stage of work.

Dosed training

It is difficult for modern students to concentrate on something more than 15-20 minutes. That is why they are looking for the perfect balance between time spent, amount of information and benefits. What shall I do? Microlearning is a great solution! Its meaning is to study a small part of the training material in a short period of time. This strategy creates unique conditions for personalization of learning: students themselves determine the time, pace and sequence of work with the material. In addition, the simple and clear content of the material does not cause information overload and promotes better learning. Microlearning combines different approaches to acquiring knowledge and has special characteristics:

  1. Short duration: 5-15 minutes.
  2. Conciseness: the block is as short as possible.
  3. Content: small or very small units of educational information, narrow topics.
  4. Autonomy: the module is self-sufficient and independent. It does not require access to other training materials.
  5. Diversity: different work formats are used, which increase interest in learning.
  6. Interactivity: includes as many interactions as possible to involve students in the process.
  7. Flexibility: can be combined with other curricula and subjects in a blended learning format, where the micro-course becomes part of a larger course.


Generation Z is accustomed to visual images, so clarity is the main condition for learning. No matter how skillfully the teacher talks about human blood circulation or the solar system, a two-minute thematic video will have a much greater effect.

How to make a lesson bright and spectacular? Combine traditional tools and the latest technology! You can create infographics instead of text, use memes to learn grammar rules, and gifs for theorems. Create bright presentations and visual materials, conduct virtual tours. And teach students to create smart maps. This technique allows you to effectively structure organize and remember information.

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Given the desire of modern students to change and the phenomenon of children's multitasking, it is logical to systematically change the forms of classes. Try using:

  • The method of paradoxes. To encourage students to think, rather than simply passing information through themselves, offer them two mutually exclusive statements. The lack of a clearly formulated final opinion and a ready conclusion will encourage students to think, to use logical and critical thinking.
  • This technique consists in introducing various games into the educational process: business games, social projects, etc. The student perceives the game as a level that must be passed to gain access to the new.
  • The method of "inverted" learning. Students are given the task to study theoretical material for a new topic at home. But you will have to do your homework in class.


Students almost live in social networks and messengers. You can be upset about it, and you can use children's love for the network to your advantage. And interesting interactive techniques will help you with this.

  1. Story-role play. Thanks to it, students learn to play different roles, express their position, influence other participants and engage in dialogue. And also - to resolve conflict situations and find a compromise.
  2. Association games. They improve memory and attention, develop logical and creative thinking, enrich vocabulary. And you can play at any stage of the lesson!
  3. Mini-research. An excellent tool for correcting fragmentary and superficial thinking. Children learn to collect and analyze data, formulate a version, select facts and defend their own opinions. And also develop logical thinking, skills of self-control and mutual control!
  4. Case method (analysis of situations). The meaning of this method is to analyze a problem situation created on the basis of real life facts. As a rule, it has several solutions and many alternative solutions that need to be considered in detail.


Information technology allows you to track progress and assess knowledge in real time. Communicate with students in messengers; create groups and chats to work on projects, use e-mailings and virtual exhibitions! This will really speed up the pace of work, which will only benefit you and your students.

Wise leadership

How to talk to modern students? On equal terms! They believe that adults are no better than them, so they expect a constructive and respectful dialogue. And they are used to rewards and do not consider them something special. Praise does not motivate them, but its absence derails. So it is worth noting the smallest successes of students and respect each person! After all, the ideal teacher is a tolerant and wise leader, not one who "knows everything."