7 warm ideas for the end of the school year
We share activities that will help end the school year on a major note. warm ideas for the end of the school year. Conduct a photo shoot A

We share activities that will help end the school year on a major note. warm ideas for the end of the school year.
Conduct a photo shoot
A smartphone is enough to implement this idea. If you show imagination, you can develop a common theme, which can be traced in the photos of students. For example, "Funny moments of distance learning." And the photos are ready, what's next? Create a virtual photo album or collage, and what was more interesting, will involve children.
The following task will be interesting for fans of social networks. By the way, it can be used in the ideas that we offer below. Create a unique hashtag for your class, sign photos and easily find photos of classmates online. Everyone can offer their version, and choose the winner by a fair vote.
Create a video business card or class anthem
The time has come when creative talents will help unite the class and give a valuable "product" for a long memory. Invite students to create an informal video business card or other virtual articalcard for their class. One part of the children can be involved in writing the script, the other - in editing the video. Students who play musical instruments may want to record a soundtrack to a video, and young poets will compose a poem or rewrite a famous song. And the finished video can be shared with family and subscribers on social networks.
Schedule a summer meeting
You don't have to wait for the beginning of the school year to see each other! Invite students and their parents to plan a place for a summer meeting. Analyze the most popular options and share a selection with the class. You can find photos of future meeting places and visualize expectations. And an action plan for the summer will help you stay calm, avoid procrastination or panic. Follow the news and have some interesting places to meet as soon as the opportunity arises.
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Online games for the class
Kids love to have fun! Isolation is not a hindrance, but an occasion to consider other options for fun. You can find online games or quests for students online, there are really a lot of ideas. You can also invent your own game, taking into account the interests of students, and conduct it with the help of online tests from "Lesson" Find time for fun and games!
Have an hour of memories
Remember pleasant events, inspired things, successful projects, warm get-togethers - I'm sure this year was full of curiosities! Invite the children to open a box of their fond memories, because at the end of the school year it is time to take stock and dream. Try to list at least 5-10 situations that were the best this year. Big or small, all successes must be on the list!
Hold online meetings at Zoom
The format and subject matter of such meetings is limited only by your imagination. Everyone can prepare delicacies and exchange recipes, and you can arrange a talent concert, watch interesting videos together. Ask what the children would like in the next school year, what you can improve? Prepare in advance, for example, ask the children to complete the sentence "This year I learned ...". Write down all the answers and make a kind of achievement board.
Write a thank you note
Start with yourself. Write a small letter of thanks to each family of students, because we all tried to do everything in our power during this difficult period. Even more! Parents worked, organized life, tried to be teachers - it's difficult and time consuming, even if the result is not perfect. Don't be afraid to be open and responsive. If you make mistakes during the year - have the strength to admit it, apologize. Write an individual letter to each, remember the student's achievements, a funny incident or other significant situation. Let it be short, but personal! We all want attention!
At the end of the address, ask the children and their parents to write a letter of thanks to their classmates or other teachers. Start the mechanism of good in action!