A break that gives you strength, or how to move to fully activate our learning opportunities

affect not only physical health, but also our thinking and learning. And our brain needs water and oxygen! A break that gives you strength.

A break that gives you strength, or how to move to fully activate our learning opportunities
A break that gives you strength, or how to move to fully activate our learning opportunities

You've probably heard how important regular and active breaks in learning are: changing body position, stretching, leaving the desk even for a moment, drinking water, airing the room, relaxing with music, a short walk. Body movement and emotional expression positively affect not only physical health, but also our thinking and learning. And our brain needs water and oxygen! A break that gives you strength.

In order to learn effectively, a child should be in the right state of mind, i.e. a state of concentration of attention. It's hard to learn when we're nervous, tired, hungry or stressed. And it is not possible for a child to be constantly active and motivated on its own for several hours every day. We often have the impression that children recover poorly during a break. They cannot use it, they have no ideas, they wander around the rooms, think up a lot of things so as not to go back to study, e.g. they drink tea endlessly, have a headache, say that they are tired, ask for the time, watch TV and finally surf on the Internet.

Learners should know how to influence the 'ecological' balance between fear, weariness, fatigue, and joy and activity in the learning process. Children are often unaware of this. That is why the role of the parent is so important, as he could indicate some exercises to support the child during learning. Therefore, we should fill short breaks in learning with physical activity.

I observe the effects of introducing exercises during breaks from studying every day. Professionally, I conduct workshops and trainings for students in the field of developing memory and concentration of attention. In working with children and parents, I use broadly understood techniques of accelerated learning - from the techniques of taking notes, defining goals, time management, through memory techniques, concentration techniques, and ending with stimulating motivation and relaxation. My role is to shape and support the child's effective learning competences. That is why, during my workshops, I always organize time for joint activities and physical games. They regulate the energy level in the group through physical refreshment and relaxation, reduce stress and fear. Children willingly join new training exercises. Thanks to them they get to know each other better, smile and improve contacts in the group. It is equally important to me as a trainer that they also improve the quality of the learning processes.

In this text, I will focus on short and fun movement exercises that will be simple tools for parents and students to adjust to the optimal state for learning.

The proposed exercises are designed to guide the internal mobilization of the body so that it goes into a state of relaxed attention and concentration, so that it gains an appropriate level of strength and energy, and also arouses a sense of security and a positive mood of the child.

Exercises that help you learn relieve muscle tension - after all, stress causes somatic symptoms, including muscle aches or tension. This is a natural defense strategy when we feel overwhelmed. A certain amount of fear and weariness cannot be avoided while studying. Learning means getting to know what is new and unknown. That is why it is so important for the child to gain experiences that evoke joy, i.e. a smile of satisfaction on the face. The more we stretch and move, the more effectively we eliminate unwanted muscle tension. Exercise and physical games increase the intake of oxygen, which is so important for the learning process, reduce stress and thus increase the strength of the student. A break is also a great way to detach from current lessons and clear your mind (the so-called cool mind). Exercise improves blood flow throughout the body, which leads to a more positive outlook on work.

I have prepared a set of 6 simple exercises to do at home - at a desk or in a small space of a child's room. They are so universal that they do not require any expensive materials / devices. They should also not disturb other people. Of course, it is best to involve the child in independent exercises, but at the beginning it is the parent who should show them to him and ensure the value and effectiveness of the breaks. Together with your child, think about why it is worth taking actions that support concentration. I hope that this short review of photos will become for you an accurate guide in increasing the effectiveness of learning a little man. Also, try to work out the principles and methods of effective learning together. There should always be water available on the desk for the child. Also remember about the principle of a clean desk.

Drinking water

We drink water calmly, in small sips, preferably mineral still or boiled. Water accelerates the conduction of nerve impulses, increases the amount of oxygen in the brain, and stimulates the flow of information. Oxygen is necessary for learning as well as it is necessary for life. It is water that helps distribute oxygen to the brain. This is the basic principle of mental hygiene.

Clean desk

When doing homework, only the things needed for work are on the desk - often a sheet of paper, a notebook and a pencil are enough. We put the rest outside the desk. Put the tablet, mobile phone and TV remote in place, even taking them to the other room.

Important! The spine likes movement. But how do you get it when we stay at the desk for several hours a day? It is worth using equipment that forces the correct position of the body. Chairs with a spring-mounted seat are a revolutionary solution. With each movement, it follows the body, activating the muscles that determine correct articalure. You can also sit at your desk on a large ball (e.g. for an hour or two a day). It forces you to sit actively, but requires concentration, because a moment of inattention may result in a fall.

Depending on how we want to encourage and motivate the child to further mental work, we select the appropriate set of movement exercises.

If we want to give our kids energy, let's offer them:

  • Quick walk in place,
  • Skipping on a skipping rope,
  • Puppet,
  • Dancing to fast music,
  • Racket - jump up from a squat and shout.

When we want to calm the child, relax, calm down, let's choose from the following proposals:

  • Tapping the whole body,
  • Face tapping
  • Stretching, such as "touching the ceiling"
  • Shoulder massage,
  • Hand massage,
  • Lying down and listening to relaxing music,
  • Deep and calm breathing.

The presented games and exercises have been previously tested in practice. They can be used immediately and adapted to the needs of the individual child (e.g. for motivation, positive attitude, calmness, relaxation).


When the child feels tired or tired while doing homework, and you want to encourage them to continue working, suggest the following games:

  1. Jumping between sticks

The fun is about jumping between the sticks. The sticks are moved by the adults in a set rhythm inwards and outwards. This exercise is a bit like jumping rubber. Intensive movement will stimulate the child to further learning and break out of fatigue. (Time approximately 5 minutes).

Must Read: Every child can be successful in school!

  1. Puppy

By clapping and jumping, the children represent an imaginary clown. The clown nods. Head bows back and forth. A cheerful puppet. Sad puppet - facial expressions are important. (Time 1 minute).

  1. Playing with a skipping rope

Jumping rope is, among others traditional jumps in place, jumps on one leg (and then on the other) and "eights" consisting of crossing the line in front of you. While playing, the child exercises coordination and develops a sense of balance. An ideal exercise for children with a dominant sense of movement and touch. Great fun to repeat the multiplication table. (Time 2 minutes).

If your child does not like playing with the skipping rope, you can encourage them with a cheerful poem,


When we want to calm the child, relax him or calm him down, let's choose one of the following suggestions:

  1. Calming massage

Parent and child sit or stand facing each other. The child closes his eyes, the parent massages them, tapping with the tips of his fingers on the following places: on the top of the skull, on the back of the head, on the sides of the head, on the forehead, on the temples, around the jaw, jaw joint. (Time 2 minutes). This exercise relaxes and invigorates the mind, but at the same time gives the child the opportunity to calm down.

  1. Relaxing massage

Hand massage consists of gentle stroking, unfolding and curling the hand - sometimes right, and then left. Even an innocent hand massage will make your child feel better; it will be relaxed, relaxed and calm. Massage relaxes excessively tense muscles and improves joint mobility. (Time approximately 5 minutes).

  1. Stretching

When we sit too long, our body protests. Encourage your child to stand up and straighten up, preferably with his feet shoulder-width apart and now suggest: raise your arms high above your head and reach higher and higher with them. Imagine that with your hand you want to remove one star from the sky. Feel the tension in your torso, shoulders, side, arm and fingers. Reach alternately with both hands for the “stars from heaven. Breathe evenly and deeply. This exercise relaxes your shoulders and back very much. (Time 1 minute).

All physical games and activities shape attention and thinking, improve coordination of movements, and even counteract scoliosis (e.g. stretching). They also teach responsibility and develop self-regulation. In addition, they increase the supply of nutrients to the brain, which has a direct impact on increased energy and increased willingness to work.

The activities mentioned above are the starting point for effective and independent learning. They increase readiness to learn and improve the quality of teaching processes. They emphasize the nature of learning because they involve the whole body and emotions and thus ensure that the important systems involved in the learning process can function in an integrated manner.

Doesn't that mean we are "doomed" to learn and practice with our children? There is nothing wrong with helping children with their homework. However, I suggest that instead of learning with the child, show him how to play with science. Let us take care of the mind hygiene of our children, and of Mobility ACTIVITY DURING BREAKS. As a consequence, our children will be more and more independent.