A globe for a child is the best tool for learning about the world

Those that rotate around their axis or levitate, historical, political, inflatable, illuminated, relief, magnetic, puzzles

A globe for a child is the best tool for learning about the world
original globe, Orboot, Glowala antique globe, levitate, historical, political, inflatable, illuminated, relief, magnetic, puzzles,

A globe is an effective and functional tool that facilitates a child's learning about the world

Those that rotate around their axis or levitate, historical, political, inflatable, illuminated, relief, magnetic, puzzles - there are many types of globes, which are three-dimensional models of the globe in miniature.

The name itself comes from the Latin "globus", which translates as "sphere". Globes appeared hundreds of years ago and became an attempt by man to understand his own role in the universe. Flat maps gave a very approximate picture of the world, so it was necessary to visualize knowledge about one's planet.

Of course, the model of any globe itself is not an exact copy of the Earth due to non-observance of proportions, lack of difference between the highest and lowest point, as well as other factors. However, there is still no easier way for a child to understand what our planet looks like from space.

We have known since childhood that any planets, and the Earth in particular, are practically perfect spheres. It is quite difficult to understand and imagine this with the help of ordinary "flat" maps, and the globe gives the necessary idea about the approximate sizes and number of continents and oceans, and about the distances between countries.

Modern relief models, made on a large scale, almost completely copy our planet, but here it is worth understanding: the diameter of the Earth is about 12,000 km, so it is quite difficult to show the actual size of the Himalayas, the height of which is slightly less than 9,000 km.

Types of globes

In general, the globe is one of the best copies of our planet, with which you can start your knowledge about the world. Political globes will "tell" us about the location of countries and their capitals, physical globes - about the structure of the earth's crust.

There are also historical globes, contours of continents and countries on which correspond to human knowledge in certain periods of time. It is quite interesting to find significant differences with the modern map of the world, which were the result of famous geographical discoveries.

In addition to Earth globes, you can now buy globes of other celestial spheres, including our Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, and other planets and satellites. And those who study astronomy can recommend globes of the starry sky with images of constellations, stars, nebulae, etc.

Globes of the animal and plant world will give the child an idea of €¹€¹the flora and fauna of our planet. Tectonic globes are needed to understand the processes of movement of the earth's platforms and plates, as well as the consequences of their collisions.

Why do children like globes and maps so much?

It has long been noted that maps and globes attract young explorers. To a large extent, this is laid at an early age, when the child watches his favorite cartoons about faraway journeys, fairy-tale countries and strange discoveries.

Children with their adventurous spirit will love to dream about the mysterious treasures of pirates, about old maps with treasures, about new lands that have not yet been discovered. Parents should encourage their curiosity: even at the youngest age, children can be involved in studying maps and the globe in a playful manner.


Of course, it may be too early to talk about meridians and parallels, latitude and longitude, but general knowledge about our planet will never hurt. At the age of 3-4, a child can understand that the Earth consists almost entirely of oceans, and there are six continents.

With age, it is worth deepening and generalizing this knowledge, playing countries and cities, memorizing their location on the map and globe. The child will learn where the highest point of our planet is and where the famous Mariana Trench is.

Where to start?

Experts recommend "presenting" knowledge in order of increasing complexity.

  1. The difference between a map and a globe. Explain to the child in simple language that a map is a flat drawing of the Earth, and a globe is a representation of the actual shape of the planet.
  2. Land and water. This is the easiest thing to explain with a map or globe. The difference between land and water on a globe or map is obvious and noticeable to the naked eye, even a very young child can understand it.
  3. Latitude and longitude. Latitude runs from east to west or left and right on the map. Longitude runs from north to south or from top to bottom. Show the child the equator at 0° latitude, which separates the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Then the zero meridian, located at zero longitude. Using these two points on the map, you can find out the exact location of any place in the world.
  4. Continents and countries. Identifying the continents is a great way to identify the major regions of the world. To remember them well, you can identify each one with sights, animals or something similar, for example: "This is China, where pandas live", "This is Africa, where there are pyramids “It gives children a clear and simple reference point.
  5. Where we are. First, show the child on the globe where your country is located (on which continent). Then you can use a more detailed map of the state, region or city to find even your own house.
  6. Sides of the world: north, south, east and west When the children understand the main four directions, you can ask them to define: "What is the east of Europe?" or "Which continent is the southernmost?"
  7. Oceans. Studying the world's oceans is a great way to expand a child's knowledge of the Earth. Start with the ocean closest to you, trace which sea belongs to its basin, which river flows into it. "Remember when we were at the beach? This sea is also part of the ... ocean."
  8. Key. The symbols on the globe allow you to identify different areas on it. These can be port cities, sea routes, currents, mountain ranges, etc. Look for new keys with your child on the globe - let it be in the form of a game "who can find more".
  9. Types of globes. Explain how to distinguish globes: political, geographic, climate models.
  10. Scales. Show the distance between cities on the globe, explain how many kilometres it is and why the larger the model of the Earth, the larger the scale.

After your child has learned a little about the basic concepts on the globe, they may want to make their own map. Encourage her efforts, offer paper and coloured pencils. It's a great way to learn directions, try scaling, and develop fine motor skills.

How to choose a globe for a child

Currently, there are dozens of types of globes that differ in accuracy and scale, as well as opportunities for independent study. What should you choose for your child to help him understand "world building" with minimal effort?

We bring to your attention several popular models of globes that can be recommended for children from 3-4 years of age. For convenience, we will divide them into several categories.

Editor's choice

The most common types of globes are political and physical. Nowadays, you can buy one that combines this functionality. The IPT physical-political globe with illumination will allow you to study both the political system of the world and the peculiarities of the topography of the earth's crust - for this you just need to turn on the lamp.

You get a fairly functional device for teaching your child, with the help of which you can learn in detail not only about countries, continents and oceans, but also about the forms of the earth's surface: where and which prevail.

The best in the category "informativeness"

Shifu Orboot unique educational globe toy with augmented reality. You and your children will get a unique experience studying countries and continents using modern digital technologies.

Orboot is a real magic globe, with which you can visit the most remote places on the planet right at your home! You just need to download the Orboot application of the same name from the Play Market or AppStore, then select the language and start the interactive journey!

World sights, animal and plant life of our planet come to life on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Augmented reality in a three-dimensional form is simplicity and ease of information perception.

Scan the special stars on the globe with the gadget's camera to see three-dimensional objects and listen to voice messages (interesting information, stories, stories). The app now has over 400 images and thousands of fun facts. If you are looking for the perfect interactive world, Orboot is the best choice for your child!

The best in the interior

Glowala antique globe on columns will decorate any interior and will be a great gift for anyone who studies the history of antiquity and the ancient world. The model has a more impressive appearance on a special stand that imitates the ancient "pillars of the creation of the world".

The materials of manufacture are stainless metal and natural wood. Of course, the price may seem too high, but as you know, you have to pay for quality. This is one of the most accurate copies of the geographical map of our planet from the point of view of scientists of past centuries.

The original globe

What if we offered your child a globe that levitates? The use of special materials and powerful neodymium magnets made the Globe Silver model not only one of the most spectacular, but also, probably, the most original. You get the most detailed copy (down to the smallest elements) of our planet. A stylish globe with the effect of levitation is not only a great gift for any child, but also stimulates his thirst for knowledge.


It really doesn't matter which globe you choose for your child to study. Even the cheapest ones can captivate her for a few hours, if you choose the right message, telling your child about our planet from an early age.