A selection of 20 resources with free photos for business

engaging audiences and promoting a product. We offer a list of the best free resources with original photos and non-standard selections.

A selection of 20 resources with free photos for business
A selection of 20 resources with free photos for business

Visual content is an incredibly powerful marketing tool that increases brand awareness, as well as engaging audiences and promoting a product. We offer a list of the best free resources with original photos and non-standard selections.

Creative Commons License

To use an image for commercial purposes, you cannot take it from Google search. Even a photo purchased on a stock photo can have limitations. Therefore, it is important to choose sites that provide images with a Creative Commons (CC) license - it allows you to use the materials for personal or commercial purposes absolutely free. We offer a list of such resources.


This is a site of free stock photos on the Shopify platform. Many image collections are created specifically for entrepreneurs.

They can be used anywhere: from online stores to product packaging. The Business Ideas category offers free photo collections and case studies on e-commerce trends. Image collections include both product photos and lifestyle themes. Thus, on Burst you can find everything you need to create a quality visual.

Creative Commons Search

Creative Commons Search provides easy access to independent photo search services.

However, it is important to remember that the site may display results without a Creative Commons license.


Resource with free photo sets. Fancycrave works with independent photographers to take live and emotional photos. The service also provides premium services that provide unique and exclusive images for the customer.


A popular photo-sharing platform that allows users to store, sort, search and publish their images online.


More than 1000 free images of food can be found on this resource.

Free Nature Stock

Service with free nature stock photos.


This resource offers users high-quality graphic design.

It works on the freemium model, ie most resources on this platform can be used for free with the author of the illustration. In addition, for a small fee you can subscribe to the Premium plan and use images without restrictions.


A collection of free, high-resolution images that can be used in personal and commercial projects.

This service is suitable for those who are tired of boring and monotonous stock photos.

IM Free

This is a carefully selected collection of free web design resources for commercial use.

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Images (mostly from Flickr) are grouped into categories such as inspiration, relaxation and atmosphere. You can download them with one click. You can also find free templates, icons, button designers and more on the site.

ISO Republic

The resource provides access to more than three thousand images under a Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.


The site offers for download free images in high quality, available for personal and commercial use.

Next to each photo is a color palette that will allow you to competently plan the visual component of the product.

Life of Pix

Stock of free, high-resolution images made available to the public by Canadian digital marketing agency LEEROY.

You can also download free videos and clips for personal and commercial use on its subsidiary Life of Vids.


Free photo archive "for creatives, from creatives".

Photos on the site are created by various creative people from around the world, from amateurs to professionals. MorgueFile also offers discounts on iStock packages and allows you to search for images from Getty, Dreamstime and other stocks on one site.

New Old Stock

Hundreds of historical photographs from public archives are stored in the New Old Stock.

Here you can find an unusual image that will look fresh compared to regular stock photos.


A site of free stock photos, created in 2013 by designer and photographer Viktor Hanachek.

More than 600 free images in various categories are available to users, and a Premium subscription opens access to an additional photo library. No attribution required.


Rawpixel is proud to have a diverse collection of online stock photos.

The platform seeks to change the look of stock photography by creating design resources that reflect society as it really is. She also launched a project that aims to create photos of people from all over the world.

Startup Stock Photos

This is a unique free photo stock aimed at startups, bloggers, designers, publishers, developers and many more.


The resource contains photos under a Creative Commons license, which do not require attribution when using.

Images can be filtered by date, trends, number of views or downloads, and the number of keyword searches.


A free community where photographers and artists can share their photos and works.

The library has over 35,000 free images and illustrations, as well as a large collection of free photo textures.


This photo stock has more than 50 thousand free photos. The user can subscribe to the mailing list to receive 10 new images every ten days.