A treasury of games for home use that will appeal to children and adults
learning, improve his mood, but also comprehensively develop it. A treasury of games for home use that will appeal to children and adults.

In today's article we offer ideas for different types of games for children - audio, verbal, "quiet", mobile, "social", board and many others. These games can not only distract the child from learning, improve his mood, but also comprehensively develop it. A treasury of games for home use that will appeal to children and adults.
It will be recalled that in the previous article we gave advice to parents on how not to burn out in quarantine, how to talk to children about the coronavirus and offered interesting ideas that can help spend every day at home fun and bright.
What "quiet" games can be offered to a child?
Children at home are usually a high background noise. It is very difficult to concentrate, work and stay calm in such conditions. And, no matter how restrained we are, children have to hear "Do not shout!", "Speak softly! "Shut up!" it is not very good for children to hear it all the time.
In addition, child and family psychologist notes that many children under the age of 6 are unable to control the volume of their speech. Their centers of speech and cognitive control are still maturing. So, if you think that your child is talking too loudly, treat her with understanding, because this is her age. Although, of course, it makes sense to check your doctor's hearing to rule out possible problems.
The psychologist offers a selection of "quiet" games from his practice, which will allow parents to be quiet for a while, and children to gain control over their speech.
1) "Control panel"
To perform this game you need to draw with a felt-tip pen "volume button" on the pads of the child's fingers.
For example, put a dot on the index finger in red - "Louder", on the ring finger - in blue - "Quieter".
Next, suggest saying a word, such as "mom," or the baby's name, and press your finger a few times. The child should say it depending on the "button" and the number of clicks "Louder" - "Quieter".
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The psychologist suggests to bring the pronunciation of the word to the highest volume, and then stop at the right one. When the child speaks louder again, smiling, touch her "button", or you can ask her to touch herself.
2) "Spies" ("Mice and Cat")
Usually children love to turn into spies, so ask them to perform special tasks as invisibly and professionally as possible.
The kids will like the option of playing with mice and a cat - the little mice have to get very quietly and grab something (agreed in advance) so that the cat does not catch them.
3) "Conductor"
For this game you will need musical instruments (you can make them from improvised materials - drums from tin cans, maracas - from plastic kinder eggs and cereals poured into them, etc.).
When the musicians are ready for the concert, the conductor waves his hand up - and this is a signal for the musicians to play louder, hand down - to turn down the volume, gathers his hand in his fist - to stop the game.
The psychologist advises giving the child the opportunity to be a conductor as well.
4) "Letters of different sizes"
Together with the child, write in a line the letters P, C, F from small to huge, and vice versa - from huge to small.
Then ask the child to look at the letters, pronounce the sound, increasing or decreasing the volume (the smaller the letter, the quieter the sound should be, and vice versa).
5) "Listening to the silence"
Have 2 minutes of silence every few hours. You can assign the child as the main one - when the alarm clock rings, it gives everyone a signal "Listen to silence".
6) Whispering
Try to start whispering - the child will reflect you. Or periodically play "Whispers" - conversations in the family only in whispers.
7) "Voice on demand"
Put all the loud voices in a vase (don't worry, they don't mix there). When you want to say out loud, you need to "take" your vote from the vase.
8) "Crocodile"
A fun pantomime game for guessing words. Guessing is allowed:
Take any poses; show the word in whole or in part;
Nod "yes" and "no".
But it is forbidden to write and draw, to pronounce syllables and letters (even without sound, with one lip), to show letters or to convey letters in sign language.
9) Communication in sign language
Try to invent your family language, where each letter is a separate gesture.
The psychologist notes that the game is very good for children 4-5 years old, and in Svetlana's family it is passed from generation to generation, saving in certain situations.
10) "Opera"
In this game, conversations turn into singing. Try singing the phrases you say to each other. They will be perceived completely differently.
11) Transformation We speak like little midgets, mice or ants (and then like giants or elephants).
12) "Silence"
Whoever says the word first loses.
13) If children in a dispute shout at the same time,
The psychologist recommends giving everyone flags (papers with their names, any objects) - to raise them when they want to "take the floor".
14) And to transform verbal aggression, make "spittoons"
Paper balls that can be blown into a bucket, target, etc.
And most importantly - Svetlana reminds to agree on a time when you can shout.
What games for the development of sensory channels can be offered to the child?
The psychologist argues that the more children play, the higher their learning motivation. In addition, children really need games that will include different channels of perception.
The current generation of children does not receive the necessary number of stimuli in different channels of perception. They overstimulated the visual channel, the rest are often deficient. And a variety of games are sensory integration. (Sensory deprivation - insufficient stimulation of sensory channels) ", - says the child psychologist.
Here are the ideas of games which are suitable for children 3-8 years, but we think that they will be interesting for older children and even adults):
- Visual channel of perception:
1) Drawing:
Coloring pages (printouts and books);
Simultaneously on one sheet;
Palms (put fingerprints and complete details);
With closed eyes;
Placing pictures with threads.
2) Creating angels from pasta.
3) Making toys from bushings from toilet paper.
4) Breaking application
For such application it is necessary to tear at first small pieces or hands a color paper, or sheets from magazines, and then to make a collage from scraps.
5) "Colored days of the week"
Call each day of the week "your color" - for example, Monday - red, Tuesday - orange, Wednesday - yellow, and then the colors of the rainbow.
wearing clothes or some item of clothing of a certain color every day, looking for products of that color, or shouting from time to time - for example, "red" - and quickly touch an object of that color.
À À . Verbal channel of perception:
1) Learn one new word in a foreign language every day.
From the same word, written many times - you can make a picture.
2) From the letters of one word - to compose other words
For example, from the letters of the word "Transformer" you can make "Cake", "Throne", "March", "Mouth", "Form", "Fort", etc.).
3) Game "Telegram" - to come up with a word for each letter of the word, so that a sentence came out (for example, ELEPHANT - a serious doctor examines the nose).
4) Sing
5) Speak patter
6) "Guess the object" (body part, transport, etc.)
Participants try to guess the word by asking questions that can only be answered "yes" or "no".
III. Tactile channel of perception:
1) Games with kinetic sand (with molds, "Treasure Hunt").
2) The use of trays with cereals, in which you can write, draw, hide objects (even children 8-9 years old like it).
3) Games with water - for example, launch, boats on the water, move their breath, and so on.
4) Home pools with balls.
5) Recognize objects by touch (this game is loved by adult children). You can ask your child to recognize products by taste, spices and products - by aroma.
The psychologist emphasizes that children under the age of 6 tend to play "egocentric" games - according to their own rules. But when we offer them a game with established rules - it prepares them for "adult" life, in which you need to follow certain rules.
So try the different options offered, allow yourself to play, play with the child, and let her happy eyes inspire you to new achievements.
Good and exciting games for you