About children's health in the age of digital technologies
that digital technologies have a huge impact on the child. Like it or not, modern technology completely violates our usual ideas

Nowadays, psychologists are unanimous in the opinion that digital technologies have a huge impact on the child. Like it or not, modern technology completely violates our usual ideas about the world around us.
While parents argue about how mobile devices affect the social, emotional and physical spheres of children, children themselves can no longer imagine their lives without these gadgets. Psychologists, in turn, think about ways to use the impact of mobile devices for child development.
Most researchers agree that the use of smartphones by children has both advantages and disadvantages, while arguing how digital technology can change the lives of future generations. However, scientists have identified several ways to preserve the physical and mental health of children in the age of digital technology.
- Limit your child's use of a mobile phone
By controlling the time that children use their mobile phones, parents help them find healthier activities. In this way, children achieve a balance between the use of technology and real relationships with people.
- Encourage physical activity
Excessive time that a child spends in front of a computer or smartphone screen leads to a lack of physical activity, being overweight and other negative consequences. Encourage your child to spend more time exercising.
- Pay attention to the mental state of the child
Psychologists see a connection between the popularity of social networks and mobile technologies and the growing rate of depression, anxiety, suicide attempts in modern children. Parents who are aware of the symptoms of mental illness and childhood trauma can help their child more quickly if needed.
- Teach your child to overcome stress
The biggest problem is not with digital technology itself, but with the fact that the latter put a lot of pressure on children, accelerating the pace of their lives. The use of social networks leads to the fact that children are always available to communicate with peers and compare themselves with others. When parents teach a child meditation techniques and other ways to reduce stress, they can improve his mental health and overall well-being.
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- Motivate the child to communicate more with friends
It is easy to think that social networks expand opportunities for communication and friendly relations of a child with peers. However, the feeling of loneliness is growing among modern children and adolescents. Parents should involve their children in mass activities that will ensure that the child interacts with peers.
- Study online resources dedicated to health
There is a wealth of information on a child's physical and mental health on the Internet today. By studying it, you can investigate the symptoms of anxiety or depression in a child and learn how to prevent these disorders.
- Use smartphone apps
Nowadays, a number of smartphone applications have been developed to help parents and children follow a healthy lifestyle. Children are free to share these applications with each other, complicate tasks and more.
- Establish rules of behavior for the child before bedtime
There is a growing body of scientific evidence that using cell phones in the bedroom reduces sleep time. However, sleep is essential for children. Set sleep hygiene rules for the whole family: for example, leave mobile phones somewhere outside the bedroom.
- Tell your child how to distract themselves from their cell phone and be safe
When a person uses a mobile phone, it distracts them from other situations. For example, if a teenager is distracted by phone calls while driving, it will significantly increase the risk of an accident. Children need to understand that their health and safety are more important than talking on the phone.
- Explain to your child that using digital technology does not always mean high productivity
Research shows that advances in digital technology do not always mean increased productivity. In particular, in most developed countries, productivity has declined with the advent of smartphones. Smartphones may simplify our daily lives, but they do not make us more efficient. A child's performance and success depend on their ability to achieve results, as well as on the feedback and support you provide.
- Explain to the child the rules of behavior on the Internet
When a child grows up, you need to consider the following questions with him: what personal information can be shared on the Internet, and what - no; how to communicate on the Internet, and how not to do it; how to discuss important topics on social networks. When communicating online with peers, it is important for a child to remember their own safety.
- Develop human qualities in a child
With the development of digital technologies, children's experience of real communication with peers decreases. Give the child the opportunity to play, be creative, show interest in the world around him.