Adaptation problems in a new school

resulting, for example, from changing their place of residence), found themselves in the new facility. Adaptation problems in a new school.

Adaptation problems in a new school
Adaptation problems in a new school

The school bell rang for the first time almost two months ago. For some students, the passing weeks were a special time - adaptation to the new school. The challenge of finding one's place in an unfamiliar environment concerned mainly students entering secondary school (after the eighth grade or after junior high school). The process of adaptation also included those children who, for all other reasons (resulting, for example, from changing their place of residence), found themselves in the new facility. Adaptation problems in a new school.

Process of adaptation

We talked about a special process of adaptation in the case of students who started the second stage of education (4th grade) - they stayed in the same school, but there were so many novelties on their educational paths (expansion of the group of teachers, six-month and end-year grades, learning in different classrooms). ) that in some respects they had to study the school ... from the beginning.

Adaptation to a new school

The process of adapting to a new environment takes about four to six weeks. The child signals various difficulties, but we observe that he copes with them more and more efficiently. We see that he finds himself in new circumstances.

Established relationships with classmates. To our surprise, it even begins to praise the fact that it has found itself in a new place - it could even get rid of all sorts of harmful labels (the class mum, for example, finally showed that it is not so silent at all). We can see that she efficiently lifts the burden of educational challenges - she knows how to plan her studies, bravely takes sentences in the form of worse grades, has a sense of strength, and believes that good grades are only a matter of time.

However, the adaptation process does not always end successfully. Some students feel strange in a new place, even after the next few weeks. What child behavior has the right to worry us? What should get special parental attention? Are our parents helping?

Disturbing signals

Signals of disturbance of the process of adaptation to the new school include the sphere of the child's feelings, physical sensations, and behavior. Symptoms that should make us act include:

  • persistent significant learning difficulties (the child has problems focusing attention on lessons, says that he or she does not understand the teacher's expectations, cannot keep up with taking notes, feels overburdened and helpless, cannot plan homework),
  • headaches, abdominal pain, appetite disorders, palpitations, other ailments that appear in the child despite overall good health,
  • change of the current habits of our offspring: a clear change in the rhythm of daily activity (for example, the child complains about difficulty falling asleep or vice versa - goes to sleep earlier but wakes up quickly) or abandoning favorite ways of spending free time (refusing to meet friends),
  • the feeling of alienation in a new team - conversations return to threads of breaks spent alone or reluctance to go on trips; the child directly talks about his loneliness or signals it indirectly, for example, he complains that he has nobody to ask about the details of homework.

Scope of assistance

Adult support should adapt to the age of the child and the nature of the difficulties experienced. A fourth-grader awaits different help and a new high school student. Primary school students do not negate, for example, the parent's intervention in their case, while the teenager, on the eve of adulthood, expects rather prompts and discreet support than direct parental actions.

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Parent tips and hints

  • Encourage your child to share their concern. Make time for a quiet conversation with him (make sure that no one disturbs you during this time, mute the phone, do not answer e-mails).
  • Let the child calmly tell about what is happening, give him time to share his feelings, do not rush his confessions. Sometimes children at the beginning of the conversation do not talk about what is their greatest pain, but what adults usually associate with school, i.e. the grades and expectations of teachers. It's easier to tell them that they don't understand math than to admit that they didn't make friends in their new class. If the child feels that you want to help him and you have time to listen to him - he will tell you the truth.
  • Avoid phrases that close the conversation: You always¦, You never¦, You've always had a problem with that. Talking about loneliness and rejection isn't easy, even talking to Mom or Dad. Don't add to this difficulty.
  • Share your experience, but with the intention of giving you a good hint, not making yourself feel better.
  • Be a person who will evoke a sense of power for your child - show that they have been able to cope with critical situations before, refer to their good experiences.
  • Reassure your child that they are not alone, that you are there for them, and that they can count on you. However, do not make false promises (We'll deal with it quickly), rather point out that it takes time to work out the change and that immediate results should not be expected. Encourage perseverance and don't give up hope for a good ending.
  • If the situation requires it, talk to the class teacher or the subject teachers. This will give you an idea of €¹€¹your child's situation in the classroom or their learning difficulties from a school perspective.
  • Supplementing

  • Supplementing the program gaps is possible only when the child undertakes systematic and reliable work. And the parent provides him with measurable support. At the request of, inter alia, the parent. The student may be covered by the so-called psychological and pedagogical help. Within which he will be able to participate in various activities, e.g. didactic and compensatory or corrective and compensatory. Sometimes the assessment of learning problems requires a very precise diagnosis. It can be carried out in psychological and pedagogical counseling centers. You can talk to school specialists (most often: a pedagogue, psychologist, or speech therapist). And the class teacher about the procedures related to examining. A child and submitting a written opinion obtained at the counseling center. It is worth remembering that meetings at the clinic are used not only to diagnose the child but also to discuss final recommendations. The tips and recommendations apply to both the school and the parent.
  • Difficulties in relationships

  • Difficulties in relationships with peers require systemic action. A parent should create as many situations as possible in everyday life. That allows the child to develop independence and strengthen the belief they can. The educator can plan educational interactions in the class so that they serve. The purpose of teamwork and show the skills and talents of a given person in the forum. On the other hand, it is worth talking to the child about. What the child should be careful about building peer relationships. Direct the offspring's attention to what attitudes used to make friends. Support even small attempts to join the life of the new class.
  • When talking to your child, avoid simplifications and generalizations (We warned you that only weak students go to this school. But you wanted to get your own way or It seems that the teacher took care of you). Do not build an image of a hostile and threatening world.
  • Encourage activity wider than just in the class team - show that fantastic. Colleagues can also be met during various additional activities. Encourage the child to obtain specific information about the time in which these activities are organized.

Difficulties of adaptation

In coping with the difficulties of adaptation, seeing them broadly and accompanying them wisely is of paramount importance. On the one hand, we should encourage the child's independence and intervene when it is necessary. On the other hand - it is worth showing that asking for help does not mean weakness. But on the contrary - it is an expression of maturity. And such a request will not be refused on our part.