Advantages of apple cider vinegar, contraindications and methods of its use
with the extraction of apple juice, which is then subjected to the process of anaerobic fermentation. Advantages of apple cider vinegar.

The apple cider vinegar is the result of the action of bacteria of the genus Acetobacter over the fermented apple juice. Its preparation begins with the extraction of apple juice, which is then subjected to the process of anaerobic fermentation. Advantages of apple cider vinegar.
At this stage, due to the presence of yeast, sugars are converted into juice into ethanol, and cider is produced. During the second fermentation, ethanol is converted to acetic acid in the presence of oxygen and acid-acetic bacteria. Acetic acid and malic acid give apple cider vinegar its characteristic aroma.
From the middle of the second half of the twentieth century stimulated the consumption of apple cider vinegar through the acquisition of healthy properties, although its use as a folk remedy is perceived for centuries. However, none of these claims has been substantiated by sufficient scientific evidence.
It is worth noting that apple cider vinegar contains elements that have an interest in promoting health. However, its use in the dosage form can cause risks, especially if taken during pregnancy or used chronically.
1 What is it used for?
1.1 Natural antimicrobial agent
1.2 Alkalization
1.3 Lowering cholesterol and triglycerides
1.4 Coadjuvant for weight loss
1.5 Helps digest protein
1.6 Increased iron absorption
1.7 Allows you to quickly recover from fatigue
1.8 Increasing immunity
1.9 Antihypertensive effect
1.10 Balances blood sugar
1.11 Helps reduce acid reflux and improves digestion
2 Contraindications
3 How to take it?
Why is this?
Natural antimicrobial agent
The role of vinegar in food preservation is known. The acetic acid it contains can protect the body from yeast, bacteria and viruses. It also work andprotects against pathogens like E.coli.
VDM has antifungal ability against Candida albicans; this yeast is a normal resident of the intestinal tract. Among its functions is the suppression of residual carbohydrates, which are poorly absorbed and maintain the balance of blood pH.
However, candidiasis occurs when the immune system suffers from depression and there is an imbalance in the intestinal flora, which exacerbates the growth of these yeasts.
The imbalance manifests itself in physical, mental and emotional sensations such as food intolerance, fatigue, mental confusion and fungal infections.
It has been shown that raw and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar is alkaline because it contains minerals with such characteristics, such as potassium.
It has protective effects against oxidation and cell damage, which can be the result of increased acidity.
Lowering cholesterol and triglycerides
In animal studies, those who ate a diet supplemented with apple cider vinegar had lower levels of triglycerides and VLDL cholesterol.
VLDL are abbreviations in English that correspond to very low density lipoproteins, which contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol in the walls of the arteries.
Coadjuvant for weight loss
Apple cider vinegar is not a miracle potion to lose weight fast, but the ability of acetic acid to satisfy appetite has been studied.
Therefore, it helps to reduce the total number of calories received, which contributes to slow and constant weight loss.
It can even help curb cravings for sweets and other processed foods, which can lead to weight gain. Its caloric content is almost zero, it contains only about three calories per tablespoon, which is considered very low.
Helps digest protein
Acetic acid promotes the hydrolysis of proteins and their decomposition into amino acids. This allows you to get even more benefits of proteins that enter the body.
On the other hand, by improving digestion increases the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of toxins, which also affects one of the causes of acne.
Increases iron absorption
Acetic, malic and ascorbic acids present in apple cider vinegar improve the absorption of non-heme iron; that is, one that is present in foods of plant origin.
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When garnishing dark green, iron-rich leafy vegetables with apple cider vinegar, the absorption of this nutrient can be increased.
Allows you to quickly recover from fatigue
why apple cider vinegar naturally raises energy levels is because it helps to absorb iron, as mentioned above.
Iron is needed to help carry oxygen between cells, which promotes energy production.
People with iron deficiency suffer from constant fatigue. So, it makes sense that improving your body's ability to absorb iron can reduce fatigue and promote a physical sense of energy.
Increased immunity
It has been suggested that it has protective antiviral effects and offers great benefits to the immune system when taken daily. Thus, it can help reduce the body's immune response and response to allergens.
Antihypertensive effect
Apple cider vinegar can help lower high blood pressure because it causes a decrease in blood sodium levels.
Potassium together with sodium maintains blood pressure levels, but if the diet has a high amount of salt, there is an imbalance: the level of sodium in the body increases, and blood pressure rises.
Apple cider vinegar adds extra potassium to the diet, helps balance sodium in the blood and lowers high blood pressure.
Balances blood sugar
Apple cider vinegar reduces the rate of digestion of starches, reducing the body's insulin response after eating. It also delays the rate of gastric emptying, which also reduces the reaction of insulin production.
Helps reduce acid reflux and improves digestion
The level of apple cider vinegar is similar to the pH of gastric acids (apple cider vinegar - 3,075, and gastric - from 1.5 to 3.5), which promotes proper digestion.
Acid reflux can also be a sign that the body does not have enough stomach acid to properly digest food. By increasing the acid needed for the digestive process, the symptoms of acid reflux and acid reflux are reduced.
Apple cider vinegar can also help prevent gas and bloating.
Although vinegar is a dilution of a weak acid (acetic acid in water), its absorption poses a risk of possible damage to the soft tissues of the mouth, throat, stomach and kidneys. Therefore, it is recommended to use it diluted. Its use in local treatment should be done with caution. Acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can weaken tooth enamel and cause caries.
Apple cider vinegar may also interact with certain medications, such as insulin and some diuretics, so it is advisable to consult a pharmacist or doctor before taking it regularly.
How to take it?
A common way to include it in the diet is to flavor in salad dressings or to make mayonnaise at home.
Another possibility is its dilution in water
Oral consumption of a drink containing 750 mg of acetic acid, daily, significantly lowers blood pressure in people with high normal blood pressure and in mild patients with hypertension ..
To help with weight loss, you can consume 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before each meal.
If you want to improve the absorption of iron, it is recommended to take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water three times a day. It is also convenient to add it to foods that contain sources of plant iron, such as beans, lentils or spinach.