All you know about time management is a lie?

Time is a resource different from everyone else. It simply is regardless of whether you watch a documentary a series on TV for 5 hours,

All you know about time management is a lie?

I had to start with this. I hear this sentence a lot, but I absolutely disagree with it! For me, time is life. Time is a resource different from everyone else. It simply is regardless of whether you watch documentary series on TV for 5 hours, learn how to invest your money, or spend happy moments with your loved ones. Time is passing and we have a certain amount of it on earth.

Now there will be truisms, but sometimes it is worth remembering the obvious:

  • Time cannot be turned back,
  • Time cannot be multiplied,
  • Time cannot be passed on to others or bequeathed
  • You won't make up for the lost time
  • We all have 24/7.
  • These are obvious things, but it is worth remembering about them.

2 Time management is doing more in a shorter time

This is not entirely true. Time management is about achieving a greater effect. But also doing what we have to do in a shorter time than before. On the one hand, the idea is to choose the most important of all the tasks to be performed and to set aside time for them. On the other hand, the goal is to work in such a way that the entrusted tasks are performed faster. And it's not about turning into a machine that only increases its efficiency. It's more about getting rid of distractions and working smarter.


Yes, either you were born with it or you will be sloppy and clumsy for the rest of your life. It's a lie.

The ability to manage time is actually the ability to manage yourself, your tasks. And like any skill, it can be mastered and learned. Certainly, it is easier for some people, because, for example, they had good role models at home, and for others it is more difficult. But if you think to yourself that you will never learn how to work more efficiently, this most likely is a great excuse for you.


Well, absolutely NO!

A productive person is strongly focused on the effect that is to be achieved and often eliminates a lot of activity and tasks from his life. It's just like a good footballer or any other athlete. He's good because he's focused heavily on being great in one area. And if he tried to be good at soccer, long-distance running and swimming, he would most likely be average in all of these disciplines.

Productive people often give up being perfect in everything, but put a lot of emphasis on being consistent in several areas of life.


Perhaps you know it from your own life. Fast and constant lack of time for any matters. This sentence applies to both professional work and private life.

The truth is, time won't take itself, it won't come and knock on the door. If you don't have time for something, it will be so in the future. Time will be filled with something.

If this is what your reality is like, either accept it or start doing something about it. First, identify your most important areas in life. And don't say everything is important because it isn't. There is something very important in your life that you can temporarily give up. Once you have determined that, think about how you can care for this area of €¹€¹your life, and then simply schedule time for these activities. It may sound simple, but it actually causes a huge problem for many people.

6 Time management kills spontanity

I don't even count how many times I've heard it. I understand that making a financial budget takes away the flavor of life, and planning kills spontaneity. But when I ask such spontaneous people, when recently they went for a walk so spontaneously, or took their partner on a date, they have great trouble remembering. Precisely because spontaneous, unplanned time will simply fall apart.

I'm not saying that you have to plan everything in your life, but what is important to you in life should be reflected in the time allocated for it. And if it doesn't, maybe it's time to simply plan these activities?

7 It's a waste of time for planning if you can start doing it right away

Yes, how do i know it. Approx. Imagine that you are renovating an apartment and your renovation team worker comes to the apartment and starts work. He pulled out the tiles, smears with glue and begins laying from the bottom right corner.

I can already see your nervousness.

The more that these tiles were supposed to be in the kitchen.

8 There is one proven (and best) way to manage time

Yes, and preferably one that some international expert wrote about. It is a pity that when you reach for different books or listen to statements of different people dealing with this issue, it turns out that everyone does it differently.

Exactly, because there is no one universal way. Yes, there are techniques, tricks and rules, but you can choose from them what is right for you and what allows you to achieve your goals.

It's just like nutrition. There are universal rules and knowledge, but there are hundreds of types of diets and each has its supporters and opponents. Some do not help others. There is no point in using any, even the most popular, method rigidly, especially if it is not convenient for you, if it frustrates you. Choose what works for you and act.

10 Time management requires work-life-balance

Many people dislike this term, explaining that it is impossible to divide life into work and life outside of work, because all these activities are part of one person's life. And yes, there is something to it. Though it feels like a hole in the whole thing to me. For me, work-life-balance is simply life-balance. That is, creating a life in which there is time and place for professional activities and time for private matters. This is especially important for people who are strongly focused on only one area. After living such a life for a while, they begin to miss the latter area. They feel unfulfilled.

So I believe that people need life-balance, but they do not always have to separate these spheres very strongly from each other. It depends on the nature of the work and individual needs. It is possible to live in such a way that the private and professional spheres interpenetrate and harmonize.

What have you heard or what beliefs you have about time management and time management?