Applied Mathematics
as in real life, walk through the mazes of a virtual castle. Without mathematics, all this would be impossible. Applied Mathematics.

Almost everyone who has computer skills loves to play computer games. But few people think about how the volume of the image on the screen is achieved, due to which we can look at the object from all sides as in real life, walk through the mazes of a virtual castle. Without mathematics, all this would be impossible. Applied Mathematics.
With the help of applied mathematics, we can make visible on the display screen, for example, such processes as the propagation of electromagnetic waves in different environments, the work of internal organs. Even the weather forecast cannot be made without specialists in applied mathematics. It is the specialty "Applied Mathematics" provides integrated training, which most fully meets the modern understanding of the requirements for information technology professionals.
The graduate of the specialty "Applied Mathematics" is prepared for activities that require in-depth fundamental and professional training, including research in areas that use the methods of applied mathematics and computer technology; creation and use of mathematical models of processes and objects; development and application of modern mathematical methods and software for solving problems of science, technology, economics and management; use of information technologies in design, management and financial activities. The validity and depth of training in applied mathematics allows graduates to successfully engage in research in various areas of mathematical modeling and information technology to improve business management and efficiency, research and create logistics communication systems.
So, mathematics plus a computer is the essence of the specialty "Applied Mathematics". Having studied the necessary disciplines, you will be able to apply your knowledge and skills in any field of human activity.
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The main disciplines that make up the professional training:
- Mathematical analysis;
- Probability theory and mathematical statistics;
- Numerical Methods;
- Discrete Math;
- Differential equations;
- Equation of mathematical physics;
- Methods of optimization and research of operations;
- C programming language;
- Software;
- Specialized programming languages;
- Object-oriented programming;
- System programming;
- Computer Graphics;
- Databases;
- Operating Systems;
- Computer systems, networks and computer communications;
- Internet resources and services;
- Modeling of ecological, economic and social processes;
- Fundamentals of management and marketing;
- Fundamentals of economic theories.
Professional job titles that a specialist is able to perform
Educational and professional degree professional junior bachelor:
- Developer of mathematical and computer software;
- Technician-programmer;
- Head of working groups of companies for the development of mathematical and computer software;
- Head of Computer Technology in Corporate Systems;
- Database administrator.
The main places of work where you can work after graduation:
- Banking institutions;
- Information processing department of enterprises of various forms of ownership;
- Firms engaged in the development of application and software;
- Companies that provide Internet services;
- Firms providing cable and satellite television services;
- Scientific institutes and institutions.