Appreciation is all a teacher needs

recognize a teachers hard work that they put in our childrens personal growth and academic progress. Appreciation is all a teacher needs.

Appreciation is all a teacher needs
Appreciation is all a teacher needs

With National Teacher Day approaching, the annual recognition of teachers„¢ services could be felt in the air. If we closely look at a teacher day spent in field, we will be consistently astonished at how tireless and heroic work they do for our upcoming generations. Unfortunately, we always fail to recognize a teacher hard work that they put in our children personal growth and academic progress. Appreciation is all a teacher needs.

It is but natural to crave for recognition and appreciation. Each of us wants to be appreciated for the good work we do. Same goes for teachers who are hard core professionals. Teachers are experts at multitasking; they prepare teaching materials, plan daily lessons, conduct assessments, keep discipline in classroom and work on the enhancement of their students„¢ potential and talents in sports and arts.

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The report of a Gallup research indicates that steady recognition leaves a direct impression on key performance procedures used to evaluate schools. It is also seen that educators who receive regular and consistent recognition and praise turn out to be more productive. They become more involved at work and are more expected to stay with their institute for long. When teachers get recognition, they work harder in order to receive advanced satisfaction scores from both students and parents.

From a strict performance perspective, we all know that we often fail to recognize the best teachers. However, research shows recognition should be individualized as well as frequent to be effective in results. Preferably the administrators need to create a recognition-rich school environment" in school in which praise for teachers comes from all directions and by all individuals involved with school mechanisms.