Apps to study that you must have on your mobile
Looking for something to help you study? Do you need applications that completely your studies? Next, we propose some apps

Looking for something to help you study? Do you need applications that completely your studies? Next, we propose some apps to study that you should have on your mobile if you are studying. If you are looking to get good grades, with the following apps it will cost you much less.
Apps to study
It is a great application that will help you study without entertaining you with other things. If you are worried about spending a lot of time using your mobile or social networks, now you can control their use through this application. As soon as you download it, the app will help you find out how much time you spend using your mobile. In addition, when it detects abusive use of the mobile, the app will advise you when you have to put it aside.
Now you can study quietly managing the hours you spend with your mobile. OFFTIME allows you to better use and invest the time you have, in your studies. The objective of this app is that your smartphone does not take control of your life, but the other way around.
The mobile is a tool to use to your advantage, but when you make an abusive use of it, it will take away your time to study. In this way, the application has the objective of helping the user and encouraging him to study and avoid other apps, calls or emails that may distract him.
The functions of this app are to create a history in which the user will be able to see the blocks you have made in a whole day, also in weeks, months and years. In addition, it offers you time to disconnect and so you can rest. At this time you can receive calls, emails and use other apps. But while you are in OFFTIME mode, if you use your mobile it will send you notifications so that you know that you are doing it wrong. In the event that you use the mobile for more than 30 seconds, the OFFTIME mode is cancelled.
Apps to study
Great application that you will love to have on your mobile and that will complement your studies. With Mint, students will be able to save money, because they have to do the math too, especially when they study abroad.
Mint is a popular budgeting app that helps you connect your accounts and get a graph of your finances. In this way, the app helps the user to use it in favor to create and follow an ideal budget without going over.
Mint automatically classifies all the student's expenses, in this way you will know how much you can spend in the month, during a trip or a weekend. If you are going out but you also have to pay the rent, this app will help you organize yourself well. So you can plan what you want in the long term.
Apps to study
My Study Life (Android/iOS)
A very simple way to organize all your tasks is by using My Study Life. It is a simple application that will come in handy when you study. It has a calendar where you can add everything you need such as dates, exams, class schedules, and work delivery dates, etc.
The app allows the user to choose a color for each of the subjects. This serves to be able to better identify it and know what to do at all time. In addition, all the changes you make are saved in the cloud, so you can access your information at all times from any device.
Quizlet Flashcards App
We leave you with this wonderful application that you can use as a tool to study. It is very easy and fast to use, and it will also help you prepare for your next exam.
This application is suitable for any subject you are studying since it works by flashcards, very effective to help you remember what you are studying. With this application you can create completely personalized cards. These will help you remember the necessary information so that you do not forget.
If you have little time to study, this app is yours. It will help you organize and plan all your topics. With the help of the cards it will not be difficult for you to remember. In addition, it has a whole library with created didactic cards and that you can access it for free.
The app is perfect for those international students who want to learn the local language. Get this fantastic and simple application with a spectacular and free library from which you can learn about any subject.
Apps to study
2nd application
If you usually write lists with all the pending tasks to do, this is your application. With it you will be able to do a great follow-up of all the tasks that you have left. This way you can be a much more productive and responsible person with your studies.
To study you have to have time and for this you must organize yourself very well. If you have to do many things, besides studying, it is good that you use this application. With it, it will be much easier to remember the things you have to do, creating checklists for projects and tasks. This way you can keep track of what you have left to do.
Organization is the best thing you can do, to study decently. To do this, you can divide the lists you make with the app by topic or activity. Then you can organize the lists with labels and thus be able to differentiate it. The user can also use the app to make a checklist for the next month or just for the current day.
Finally, we leave you with this excellent application to take notes wherever you want. If you're tired of carrying notebooks everywhere, use Evernote to take notes wherever you are. With it you can organize all your work and also keep track of dates. You can save everything you want, from images to websites, brochures and much more. So you will have everything in one place.
This app is great for those students who forget where they keep all their things. Now you don't need to look for your notes, because you'll have them all in one place. Also, this application works without internet, so you won't have to worry about losing the connection.