Are home visits by teachers valuable?

It happens very often that parents fail to reply to teachers valuable text messages, calls or emails regarding the problems that their child is facing at

Are home visits by teachers valuable?
Are home visits by teachers valuable?

Everybody knows that parent-teacher interaction is of extreme importance to ensure better academic performance of students. It happens very often that parents fail to reply to teachers„¢ valuable text messages, calls or emails regarding the problems that their child is facing at school.

Such a negative behaviour on parents„¢ part makes teachers assume that parents are less involved with their children studies. Some teachers take up the responsibility of communication and try to reach parents at their homes. Teachers visiting homes of students to discuss things with their parents can be valued tool to increase parents„¢ involvement in their children studies.

Such visits by teachers are helpful in creating a positive interaction with students„¢ families. Although these visits can not replace parent-teacher meetings arranged by schools formally yet, they may facilitate the process of demonstrating support to students. Home visits can be helpful in understanding the reasons the lie under a child behavioral problems since the teacher can experience the home environment in which the child spends most of his time.

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It can also help the teacher to create a bond with a super shy student who does not feel comfortable to communicate with his teacher at school. Personal visits by teachers to students„¢ houses can bring out the underlying hidden problems that hinder a child academic achievement.

Teachers„¢ visits must be initiated with sincere wish to assist parents in better handling their children issues regarding academics. Moreover, these visits trigger a proactive interaction for teachers to offer authentic support after analyzing a family strengths. However, teachers feel pressure of limited time available at school, to overcome this they need to do some research before they plan a home visit. With determination and first hand information about a family as well as the rewards of a visit, a teacher can enhance the benefits of home visit.