Are social media sites beneficial for the youth?
accounts and using these social media sites quite frequently which begs the question, are these social media sites beneficial for the youth?

Social Media Sites have arguably taken over the Internet. Sites that range from Facebook, LinkedIn to Twitter have engulfed the social landscape of the Internet. These sites are quickly turning into monoliths and most users have at least one account on any of these social media platforms. However, as the reach of these websites is quite expansive, younger individuals mainly what are termed as the youth of a nation are also now creating accounts and using these social media sites quite frequently which begs the question, are these social media sites beneficial for the youth?
Social Media sites help you connect with a broad audience, discover conflicting views and learn more about the world around you. They help you stay up-to-date with what your friends are doing and help reduce distances between people who live far away. While this may seem advantageous, it only makes sense when social media is used in a particular limit. However, recent years have shown that the youth in particular are very susceptible to becoming addicts of social media.
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This means that there is a high chance a younger individual who makes an account on any of these platforms might feel completely engulfed by the broad social landscape and will thus spend the better of their day trying to take part in meaningless activities that are nonsensical. While this is a definite waste of time, it is still not harmful. It is when social media is combined with other harms such as frequent exposure to inappropriate content, unsolicited messaging, lack of parental control and general negligence by authorities that you begin to see the true negative impact of social media on modern day youth. Social Media has currently become unstoppable, every individual in the world who has access to the internet is exposed to it in one way or the other.
So, the youth are exposed to it too. The biggest issue however is that they have gullible minds. More so than adults. This puts them in situations where they are not aware of the implications of what they are doing and what dangers it might bring to them.