Bachelor degree

career, great emphasis is placed on qualifications that may outweigh the scales of employment. One way to go is to get a bachelor degree.

Bachelor degree
Bachelor degree

When choosing the path of your professional career, great emphasis is placed on qualifications that may outweigh the scales of employment. One way to go is to get a bachelor degree.

A bachelor's degree is a professional title awarded to graduates of first-cycle studies and means higher professional education.

First-cycle studies last from six to ten semesters. They enable the acquisition of knowledge and skills in a specific area of €¹€¹education; prepare for work in a specific profession and end with obtaining a bachelor's or engineer's degree. It is a type of study commonly adopted in Western European education systems. And one more thing you should know that bachelor's degree is equivalent of an English bachelor.

BA, BS, MB and others

A Bachelor of Arts (sometimes also known as an 'ordinary' or 'first' degree) is an academic course leading to the subsequent professional qualification in the humanities - bachelor of arts (BA), in science - bachelor of science (BSc), or in sciences medical - bachelor of medicine (MB).

Duration of the bachelor's degree

Completing a full-time bachelor's degree usually takes three or four years (normally four years if the course includes one-year internship in industry or abroad). In some fields of study, bachelor's degrees may take longer; for example, medical courses typically last five or six years. You can also take a bachelor's degree in absentia or in a flexible working time system.


Bachelor's degrees are at the 'intermediate' and 'honors' levels of the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. This structure shows how different types of qualifications can be compared in terms of the requirements placed on learners.

Converting the acquired qualifications into points

To start an undergraduate degree, you must have previously acquired qualifications, such as graduating from high school. The University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) will convert your qualifications into UCAS Tariff points. Knowing the number of points you have earned will give you an idea of €¹€¹where you will get on the course. You have to remember that different courses require different amount of credits.

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Most undergraduate courses require a minimum of two A Levels with a grade E or higher (or equivalent grades in other qualifications). To find out more about the requirements for a particular field of study, you can search for information on the UCAS website or read the study brochure - most available on university websites.

When can you start your studies?

Bachelor's studies start all year round, although usually in early September or October. Please refer to the brochures for each course to find out when to start.

Where can you do a bachelor's degree?

You can do undergraduate studies at a university, college of higher education and also through a distance learning program. When you are in undergraduate studies, you are assessed like every student. Your work is judged. You are judged differently in each field of study. Generally, a bachelor's degree consists of a combination of examinations and teaching activities. In some fields, after completing the course, you are asked to write a research paper. Degrees:

  • First
  • Higher-second (2: 1)
  • Lower-second (2: 2)
  • Third
  • Permeable
  • Failing

The third or higher degree is a Bachelor's Degree with Honors. Most of the graduates take up professional work after their undergraduate studies. With an undergraduate qualification, you may also choose to pursue higher education to earn a degree or master's degree