Balloon pros and cons - what we don't know about chewing gum
Chewing gum is a permanent component platform fof MRE, i.e. military provisions. From ancient Greeks to modern soldiers. Balloon pros and cons.

The first chewing gum was gum tree bark resin, which was already freshened up by the ancient Greeks. Many cultures reached for chewing gum obtained from plants. On an industrial scale, production attempts make "a little later", in the mid-19th century. At that time, these were still imperfect spruce gums, with needles scratching the palate at times. The method of producing rubber patents in 1869 in Ohio. From World War II, for example, it was added to the provisions of American soldiers as a means of increased vigilance and reducing tension. To this day, chewing gum is a permanent component of MRE, i.e. military provisions. From ancient Greeks to modern soldiers. Balloon pros and cons.
Chewing gum can raise your blood pressure - don't bring gum to Singapore!
Since 2004, it forbids to bring, sell or chew gum in Singapore. The exception is prescription gum. The decision makes when rubbers notoriously stuck to cars and walls, which littered the urban space.
The largest bubble made of chewing gum
The Guinness record for balloon blowing broke by American Chad Fell in 2004 - the balloon had a diameter of 50.8 cm. The winner of the competition organized by the Dubble Bubble brand, documented by the ABC television network, blew a balloon with a diameter of 58.5 cm.
Walls of chewed gum
In many cities around the world, places visited by tourists are being created, the main attraction of which is decorations made of spit-out chewing gums. In the Californian city of San Luis Obispo, you can see Bubblegum Alley, a narrow street whose walls are covered with layers of spit and dried chewing gums. A similar place is the Market Theater Gum Wall Past Alley in Seattle or the wall next to Juliet's balcony in Verona, Italy.
Consequences of chewing gum
Contemporary chewing gums are different - square and oblong, in leaves, in dragees, with different purposes, and with different flavors. The most popular ones are to refresh your breath. It was for this purpose that they used and thanks to these properties they gained popularity. However, are they completely harmless to our health?
Disorders of the temporomandibular joint
What too much is not healthy. Exaggeration is always bad, and so is chewing - too frequent and long chewing of gum causes pain in the jaw, head, neck, and sometimes even the ear. Be careful not to overstrain the joints and muscles of the jaw, as this leads to many diseases, such as muscle hypertrophy, which causes grinding of the teeth during sleep, which in turn destroys the enamel on the teeth and fillings.
Problems with the abdomen and intestines
We also swallow air while chewing gum. Especially in the case of irritable bowel syndrome, moderation should be exercised. Also pay attention to sweeteners (sorbitol and mannitol), which stimulate the intestines and, in excess, may cause irritation.
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Chewing gum can cause tooth decay or counteract tooth decay
On the other hand, gums with sugar are responsible for tooth decay. Where it replaces, there is sorbitol, xylitol, lactitol, maltitol, or the controversial aspartame. Each substance has a different effect, so read the chewing gum ingredients carefully. Sorbitol, for example, protects our enamel against the action of destructive acids and lowers the pH of the tooth enamel below 5.5, and xylitol has a bacteriostatic effect. In addition, chewing fluoride gum strengthens the enamel of our teeth. But beware - even with fluoride you must not overdo it! The mere increase in the amount of saliva affects the cleaning of the oral cavity, teeth, and interdental spaces from food residues and neutralizes acids, reducing the risk of enamel demineralization.
Healing gums
The oral mucosa allows for quick absorption of medicinal substances, hence many medications and dietary supplements are available in the form of chewing gum. An example is vitamin C, which is easily absorbed by the body under the influence of saliva.
Increasing creativity and stimulating the brain
By chewing, we increase the level of oxygenation in the brain - this is where the secret of the influence of gum on thought processes lies. Cardiff University research shows that chewing gum enhances visual-auditory concentration. According to the Journal of Psychology, intensive chewing oxygenates the brain, and chewing jaw movements affect the blood supply to the head.
Decreased appetite
Chewing is a natural signal to your brain that your hunger is coming and your appetite needs to reduce. Gum is a low-calorie (approx. 10 kcal) alternative to snacking for people on a diet. There are even gums on the market that are designed to reduce fats and cholesterol - always consult your doctor or pharmacist before use.
Relaxation and concentration
Experts say chewing gum promotes sedation and helps you stay focused on your current activities. Chewing also alleviates muscle tension, which is why a balloon design introduces in schools in Bavaria.
"Chewing gum is good for children's health and improves their cognitive ability," says Wolfgang Ellegast from the Bavarian Ministry of Education about a pilot project in this state.
- Nobody forces chewing gum, but it helps children to concentrate and manage stress, especially during the written test. To learn with pleasure, children need to come to school worry-free and happy. In addition, we encourage them to chew gum during breaks and classes.
Balloon, fruity, or mint?
In the form of leaves and dragees? In a tube, in lozenges, in balls, in lollipops, or in candies? With or without sugar? Herbal, energetic, teeth whitening, or balloon? Chewing gums have many types and many benefits, but they are not free from side effects. As with any other product, moderate consumption recommends with chewing gum and careful reading of the ingredients on the labels.
When chewing gum, remember to do it a maximum of 4-5 times a day (preferably after meals) for about 5-10 minutes. Let's read the compositions and choose those tailored to our needs.