Can a computer create a feeling of happiness?
computer is given emotions all hell is break lose. Computers suddenly turn irrational and vain. computer create a feeling of happiness.

We are all fond of sci-fi movies. We love to see computers and robots working parallel to humans. Yet whenever a computer is given emotions all hell is break lose. Computers suddenly turn irrational and vain. computer create a feeling of happiness.
The movie watchers feel that if we give computers the ability to have emotions, with the doubtful behaviour of the wayward technology Day of Judgment cold be only narrowly avoided. In computer designing however, machines which could identify human emotions and respond is a hot topic.
The talks about refining the interface among computers and humans to make their interaction intuitive and easier are hype of the day. In new era of technology computers are more in harmony with human behaviour yet, there still remain malfunctions in this communication. Some people are of the view that constructing awareness in computers about human emotions could bring lots of benefits.
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Facial, sound and smile recognition in computers is already there. How amazing it would be to see computers gauging by the pitch of human voice that the user is frustrated or happy. Besides the dreams of turning virtual world into physical reality, humans do have a friendly relationship with computers. Sitting at computer for long hours, designing materials, making videos, interacting through social media are all sources of happiness for humans today.
Computers have revolutionized our world; they have an important role to play in our success and happiness. Like any other thing that gives us feeling of completion and fulfillment, computers also bring us joy. One can engage with computer usage in loneliness and the computer will accompany him like a friend who wants to see you happy.