Can microblogging help students with grades?

confidence. They also can act as a source to engage pupils in learning process. Can microblogging help students with grades.

Can microblogging help students with grades?
Can microblogging help students with grades?

Microblogging on social networks provides an opportunity to communicate the world over using only a few numbers of written characters. The ostensible limitation that is forced on users by a microblogging site is to disclose only vital information while connecting to the outside world. Microblogging platforms might serve to stimulate students via thinning physical and psychological detachments that separate educators and students. These sites reduce the distances and intensify students„¢ confidence. They also can act as a source to engage pupils in learning process. Can microblogging help students with grades.

In a way, microblogging sites open the windows to sharing informal knowledge. They make learning self-directed and provide platforms to create knowledge-based systems to be used in classroom setups. An in-depth analysis of the research data shows that individual concepts are affected by personal norms or social images of users of web-based community networks.

Efforts to replace teaching-centered educational systems and approaches with learning-centered methods are constantly put up by policy makers. Microblogging is one of the methodological approaches that can transform existing educational system. The novel approach towards improvement of education systems is exceedingly interactive. This approach is founded on three rudimentary principles. The first one is larger learner engagement and learner autonomy.

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Secondly, employment of more vigorous methodologies that embraces practical cases of teamwork, seminars and tutorials and multimedia technology is crucial to this approach. The third principle is to turn tutor into facilitator of learning and a persuader. Interactive communication technology plays efficient role to achieve these goals. They are based on internet and therefore, have increased e-learning.

Microblogging carries the aim of facilitating attainment of knowledge. It provides students a space where they could keep informed of topics they come across in class and involve in discussion. Another role of microblogging is to work as an arena to index real time content to motivate students to conduct search. Eventually, they can use networking space as a standard script to review course content, concentrate on most significant ideas. This helps them do better and improve their grades.