Career aspirations for teens
that those who had higher career aspirations entered professional career of their choice. n adulthood. Career aspirations for teens.

Teens„¢ career aspirations matter a lot as they give them a direction. Since the new millennium began the teens„¢ aspirations and expectations regarding career have changed a lot. Longitudinal studies conducted over long time spans show that these career aspirations work as a predictor of what kind of jobs students wish to occupy when they are ready to enter professional field as adults. Research by Ingrid Schoon and Zena Mello revealed no matter what social background teens have or what is their level of exam success, it is prospected that those who had higher career aspirations entered professional career of their choice. n adulthood.
The database collected through OECD PISA provides exclusive mechanism to understand career aspirations of teens and how these aspirations have transformed over time. The question is deliberately phrased. Data collected from forty-one countries during 2000 to 2018 showed that teen career expectations have converted into more concentrated aspirations over time. The factor of career concentration is a pointer of teens„¢ occupational thinking.
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The data reveals modest groups of occupations like specialist medicine or general medicine. A comparison of data from 2008 and 2018 shows that boys and girls aspire for very different occupations. A closer look helps to measure true extent concentration of career interests. The available data gives evidence that teens„¢ changing aspirations are strongly related to variations in demand of labor market. Career expectations of 2000 which was the era before 3D printing, social media, and fast acceleration of artificial intelligence usage in workplace, have been replaced now.
The new career aspirations include software engineering, space science, web development, social media marketing and online broadcasting such as on YouTube and Instagram as the major among teens.