Child psychology

spheres with different parts of the brain, designed to solve individual tasks and work in a team to achieve results. Child psychology.

Child psychology
Child psychology

So what is creativity? Many of us believe that creativity is an ability that we had as children, but long lost, or the fate of selected people, whom we can only admire from afar. But science has proven that creativity is inherent in each of us. It is important to understand that creativity is multifaceted - at the level of the brain, personality and creative process - it can be expressed in different ways, from a deeply personal experience of discovering a new idea or self-expression through words, photography, fashion and other everyday works to the works of famous artists. Out of time. Neurophysiologists who study creative abilities have found that creativity does not activate any one specific part of the brain or even one half of the brain, according to the myth of the right hemisphere; in the creative process the brain is fully involved. This complex process consists of a large number of interactions of the cognitive (both conscious and unconscious) and emotional spheres with different parts of the brain, designed to solve individual tasks and work in a team to achieve results. Child psychology.

So what can we do to increase our cognitive flexibility? This article offers tips on how to properly develop creativity and the appropriate mindset. These tips will be useful for both adults and children.

  1. Games that require imagination

Observing children engaged in creative games helps to reveal the source of innate creative abilities. In role-playing games, children try on numerous roles and manage emotions and ideas in a playful way.

When adults accept and cultivate a child's sense of play, it leads to revolutionary changes in work.

Research shows that mixed forms of work and play do create the most optimal background for children and adults to learn and be creative. Play and inner joy are closely linked, their interaction naturally leads to greater inspiration, effort and creative growth.

  1. Passionate admiration

Passion is often the result of an experience or relationship that has motivated us to it in any way, and of course it is very inspiring. Often a person is creative with emotions, but it is just the beginning. People who realize their creative dreams constantly have to harmoniously combine excitement about future results with realistic strategies to achieve their goals, inspiration with hard work, dreams with actions.

When someone advises you to "Follow your wishes", be careful: in addition to the fact that this is one of the most common clich s, it is also not very useful advice. You need to look for a hobby that is in harmony with your true nature and compatible with other types of your activities. The great desire to prove to those around you that something about yourself is not likely to lead to creativity, because it is based on your desire to avoid problems that may actually arise under adverse circumstances. Therefore, although you should be open to inspiration, do not blindly follow your desires and passions. Make sure your enthusiasm really resonates with you and your skills.

  1. Dreaming

Creative people know that dreams are not a waste of time, even if parents and teachers say otherwise. The latest scientific research proves that dreaming is very useful. These classes help to increase creative potential, develop self-awareness, long-term planning, the ability to think and comprehend their own impressions and even the ability to empathize.

No matter how useless this lesson may seem, dreaming is not meaningless - it helps to develop and improve creative thinking. So the next time you work hard on a creative project or task that requires full concentration and creativity, try taking a five-minute dream break every hour. Try something simple that will help your brain plunge into dreams, such as walking, drawing carelessly or cleaning, and see how the dream will affect your ideas and thoughts.

  1. Solitude

Personal space is a basic need of many creative people. Nowadays, the work habits inherent in people of art have received scientific justification and argumentation: time spent thinking alone with oneself really nourishes the creative mind.

It is very important to find time for solitude to give yourself space to think, make new connections and find meaning. Unfortunately, solitude is highly underestimated in society, and therefore many people avoid spending time alone. We tend to consider that time held in solitude, as wasted or as a sign of antisocial or melancholy personality. But the ability to have fun and use time effectively alone can encourage creativity, helping us to engage our own thoughts and connect with our inner world. So do not be afraid of loneliness, accept it!

  1. Intuition

Intuition arises from subconscious or spontaneous information processing systems and significantly affects how we think, think, create and behave in society. Over the past thirty years, researchers in the field of cognitive abilities have made great strides, debunking myths about the power of the subconscious, which has led to the recognition of the theory of the dual process of thinking, or the theory of "fast and slow brain." Intuition is part of the "fast" brain system.

The "fast" brain is structurally more complex than the "slow". It helps us to adapt and compare new information with our existing knowledge structures, recognize complex models and come up with non-standard connections, which leads to more original ideas and solutions. The "fast" brain plays a major role in creating creative ideas, while the slow and sensible "slow" brain is more involved in their study and testing to determine areas of use and application. Both the "fast" and "slow" brains are very important.

  1. Openness to new experiences, impressions

Openness to new experiences, impressions - the desire for cognitive development and study of their own inner and outer world - is the only strongest and consistent trait of character, which involves creative achievements. Openness can be intellectual, characterized by the search for truth and the desire to explore ideas and thoughts; aesthetic, which it is inherent in striving to explore fantasies and art and to feel an emotional immersion in the world of beauty; and emotional, with a desire to explore the depths of human emotions.

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The study found that the desire to learn and discover obviously has a much stronger effect on the quality of creative work than pure intelligence. So, if you want to unleash your creative potential, look for new creative approaches or completely different means of expression, or go home from work on a new route, or look for a new group of people with other interests and values €¹€¹in which you could learn. Openness to new experiences can reveal more of yours integrative versatility - the ability to recognize new patterns and find connections between seemingly unrelated parts of information.

  1. Involvement and awareness

While the ability to observe what is happening without being distracted or judgmental is a vital skill for those seeking joy and satisfaction in life, this skill is especially important for creative thinkers.

Many studies link awareness - both as a practice and as a character trait - with the development of many cognitive and psychological abilities and qualities, such as concentration and stability of attention, empathy and compassion, introspection, self-control, good memory. Learning ability and emotional resilience. Many of these qualities are very important for creativity.

However, for optimal cognitive flexibility and creativity, one must strive for a balance of awareness and dreaminess. Interestingly, conscious meditation, which is based on subjective human experience, has been shown by scientists to enhance both the activity and the functional connection between the neurons responsible for the imagination. So try to engage in conscious meditation or undirected form of meditation to develop effective dreaming and improve concentration.

  1. Susceptibility and sensitivity

If we consider creativity as a "set of points", then sensitive people - those who have increased sensitivity to their environment, as well as a heightened perception of sensory information, such as sound, light and smell, live in a world where there are more points. , and more options for combining them.

Sensitivity can be a gift from God and a curse - it can help sharpened perception and lead to emotional overload. Experts believe that those who know how to restrain the rapid burst of emotions, which almost always accompanies increased susceptibility, are able to transform raw perception into acute insight.

Therefore, instead of trying to become more calm, you can learn to use your receptivity for artistic expression.

  1. Transforming an unfavorable situation into an advantage

Experiences of loss, struggle, suffering and defeat can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth, creativity and profound transformation. Often through suffering we learn to empathize, losses teach us understanding, and in struggle we learn our own strength and beauty.

Adverse events can force us to reconsider our beliefs and life tasks, and this is their strength and creative potential. Feeling the variability of fate, our brain actively destroys the old system of beliefs, which are no longer relevant, and creates a new structure of semantic meanings and self-perception. In order to comprehend complex experiences, you can try to describe them (you need to write by hand for 20 minutes a day for four days in a row), because research has shown that this exercise can relieve symptoms of artical-traumatic stress and depression, while improving some cognitive functions. as short-term memory.

Interestingly, the study also found that highly positive events, particularly those that evoke feelings of admiration, amazement, inspiration, and connection to something significant, can also stimulate creativity. Positive emotions increase a person's psychological resources, expanding the focus of his attention, inspiring new thoughts and behavior and stimulating creative thinking. Therefore, if you are looking for a creative impulse, treat all the important moments of life - both joyful and negative - as potential sources of inspiration and motivation.

  1. Ability to think outside the box

Creative people are united by their reluctance to follow traditional ways of thinking and performing tasks. By doing something out of the ordinary, not like everyone else, such people accept the possibility of uncertainty and failure, and it is this risk that opens up the possibility of real innovation for them.

The secret of creative greatness is to do something out of the ordinary, even if it is a path to failure. The method of trial and error is very important for innovation, especially at the stage of generating ideas. Experts who study creativity have found that the quality of creative ideas is a positive function of quantity: the more ideas are generated, the more chances there are that a masterpiece will emerge as a result. To do differently sometimes means to do something bad or wrong; accept this and do not allow caution to stand in the way of creativity.

Can you or your child, following all the above tips, become a creative genius? Not necessarily. But when a creator lives in a person, no matter what work this person does, he becomes an ingenious, inquisitive, courageous person, able to express himself. If we accept our creative nature, we will help other people to do the same. We will help to create a world that will be more friendly to the spirit of creativity and in the process we will be able to find a closer connection with other people and ourselves.