company's success is the key of Employee satisfaction
their job satisfaction as very low. And more importantly - can this be improved? company's success is the key of Employee satisfaction.

Research shows that only 35% of employees in our country feel satisfied with their work, and 19% of respondents describe their job satisfaction as very low. And more importantly - can this be improved? company's success is the key of Employee satisfaction.
What influences job satisfaction?
Before looking for countermeasures, understand the factors that contribute to job satisfaction. From numerous studies it is clear that the organizational culture plays a significant role here, which translates into the atmosphere in the company. Therefore, it would be appropriate to start with creating a friendly, open environment that will be supportive for employees. Including it depends on the relationship with co-workers and superiors whether we are willing to come to work or whether we get chills just thinking about it. Another aspect is the sense of purposefulness of performed duties and the possibility of professional development. If an employee "does not feel" the vision of the company and considers his work to be meaningless, it is in vain to look for any signs of satisfaction from him. Of course, the issue of remuneration is also important. An employee who receives a wage that is inadequate to the effort put into the company, and lower than the market average in a similar position, will feel underappreciated and will take the first opportunity to change employment.
Why does job satisfaction matter?
From the employer's point of view, ensuring employee satisfaction should be one of the priorities of the personnel policy. Why? First of all, it is important to realize that long-term dissatisfaction leads to burnout. An obvious consequence of staff dissatisfaction is also its low loyalty and seeking employment with competitors. This, in turn, entails considerable financial costs. Recruiting employees is a considerable expense, and each downtime associated with an empty position generates losses. Meanwhile, cultivating a sense of satisfaction generates profits. It is no secret that a satisfied employee works more efficiently, and his positive attitude also influences the involvement of the rest of the team. So there is a direct correlation between employee satisfaction and the success of the company.
Employee satisfaction survey
However, remedial actions may not be effective if we do not measure the level of staff satisfaction. How will we know what the employees' needs are and what are the effects of our efforts? Staff feedback is therefore essential. That is why it is worth conducting an employee satisfaction survey first, preferably using the services of a professional personnel consulting agency. It takes the form of an anonymous questionnaire and checks not only the level of motivation and commitment, but also employees' expectations towards the company. Regularity of the test will also be important. It is not enough to conduct it once - after introducing any actions increasing the level of satisfaction, their effectiveness should be verified after some time. And if necessary, plan the next steps.