Competences that will ensure the child success in the future
On this basis, the skills of the future also presented. What competences will allow you to be successful in the future global world?

Life extension, widespread automation, the growing importance of databases, new communication tools, new forms of production, globalization. On this basis, the skills of the future are also presented. What competencies will allow you to be successful in the future global world?
Future competencies
According to the Report the competencies of the future are:
- Ability to find a deeper meaning and significance of phenomena occurring in the economy and social reality.
- The ability to compassion allows you to understand the environment, influence reactions, and enter into desired relationships with others.
- Have the ability to think and find solutions that go beyond learned patterns.
- Ability to work and cooperate in various cultural paradigms.
- The ability to translate huge amounts of data into consistent concepts and build data-driven reasoning.
- Ability to critically approach and develop content that uses new media and use these media for effective communication.
- The ability to understand concepts that go beyond the scope of one discipline, e.g. science.
- The ability to create and develop tasks, creative processes in such a way as to obtain the desired effect.
- Ability to give importance to information and increase its usefulness.
- Ability to cooperate effectively as a member of a virtual team.
The perspective of the development of society seen in this way should influence the planning of the systemic education of young people. This is a task for those in charge of the education system. On the other hand, immediate actions of parents (and teachers) to support children in developing new skills may increase the chances of young people finding their way into the labor market of the future. What can we support in our children?
First: the ability to learn throughout life
For many years I have worked with children and teenagers, and later I also started working with teachers. My experience and theirs show that in Polish schools the dominant thinking is that education ends with a certificate (diploma, certificate). The essence of which is the report shows that the world is changing faster than education. Professions for which our children are preparing may disappear from the market until they finish school. The sooner we teach children to think about education as a permanent process, continuing (at different rhythms) throughout their lives, the better prepared they will be for independent living.
How to do it? Focus on planning, taking responsibility for your own development, and using various sources of knowledge. It requires working on the conscious organization of your development. Talk to your child in spirit: What do you think will be more beneficial to you? How will you prepare for this speech? Tell me about this project. How did you come to such conclusions? Discussions about the books read discussions about views, tendencies, social mechanisms and the role of psychosocial competencies in achieving success can help. But it will be crucial to appreciate what your child is doing in terms of their development. Being interested in what they have learned and learned at school, what books they read, what movies they watch, what music they listen to. Expressing interest shows the child that what he is doing is important to his parents.
Second: communication skills
Communication is not an easy skill. Therefore, it requires constant training, which is associated with conscious action. The more we pay attention to how we communicate with others and the effectiveness of these activities, the more efficiently we convey information and automatically improve our relationships. Communicating in self language is a very effective technique for supporting relationships. It allows you to protect your living space (I like it ... I don't want to ... I agree ...), take care of my needs (I would like ... Let me, If this way of communicating is combined with the habit of giving feedback, communication competences will go to a higher level. Our children will learn this if we communicate in this way.
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Third: the ability to cooperate and work as a team
In addition to communication, the basics of good cooperation with others are:
- Openness,e. listening to the reasons of others and consent to the verification of one's views. Just because someone thinks differently means nothing more than that they think differently. Maybe its solution is better, maybe worse, but for sure the problem discussed together will become easier to solve.
- The more flexible I am in responding to changing data, the greater the chance of success.
- Willingness to compromise, that is to compromise on things that hinder cooperation in a team. This is one of the conflict management strategies.
- Involvement in the activities of the team. Enthusiasm and enthusiasm give the group a chance to make greater opportunities.
- Pursuit of common goals. The assumptions of the team, to which we have agreed, should be the priority of our activities.
How to teach this to a child? Engaging them in joint activities to the best of his ability. Appreciate the initiative, support in achieving the set goals, engage in discussions about the difficulties he is experiencing, and seek solutions together.
Fourth: free-thinking
Freedom of thought presupposes that the determinant of the direction in thinking is me. Sometimes you go against the patterns and beliefs of other people, and this, in turn, requires the courage to take responsibility for your opinion, face the emotions of those who think differently, the ability to argue and defend your opinion.
How do you teach your own child to do this? Allow him to think freely, ask for his opinion, engage in discussions, face controversial theories, and above all, show respect for the child as a person who has the right to be free in every space of life. It is the rebellious rebels who push the world to change because they think differently, non-stereotypically, they see opportunities where most do not see them. Do not raise polite and obedient children. Let them discuss, argue, even provoke, but let them fight to make this world better not only for them.
To sum up
According to the aforementioned report, 10% of people work in a profession for which demand will grow, 70% have a profession as it will exist, but the way in which it is performed will change, and 20% have mechanical work, which will probably be replaced by robots in 2030. It is important not only which group I am in, but - from the parent's point of view - to ensure that children develop skills that will increase their chances of professional success in the future. Difficult? Sure. So there is no need to delay. It's best to start today.