Computational Physics
Computational physics helps to find answers to questions that are not answered by conducting laboratory tests.

Computational physics helps to find answers to questions that are not answered by conducting laboratory tests. Lack of technical or financial possibilities can effectively stop the development of science. No knowledge is no progress. By using knowledge in the field of computer science, assisted by specialized computer equipment, it is possible to support research in the field of physics, constantly taking a step towards cognition. We invite you to take a course that combines rich physical knowledge with highly developed IT skills. We invite you to computer physics.
Computer physics can be studied at polytechnics and universities. This course will not be available in every major city, so people determined to develop knowledge in this field should carefully review the university's offer in order to find a "tailor-made" department. Schools offering FK offer full-time and extramural studies. The latter option is a good solution for all those who will not want to leave their place of residence for five years. Although we know from experience that such a decision will deprive the student of rich experience in the field of "student life". However, if you are not looking for impressions, then full-time studies are as interesting as their sister version, "daily".
However, there won't be much time for crazy fun anyway. Computational physics is undoubtedly a demanding study. Due to the fact that we are dealing with computer-assisted physics, we call this an interdisciplinary course, and combining several fields of science is never an easy task. It must be admitted that the uniqueness of this course lies in the fact that most of the students are people who came here by choice. This is the result of a well-thought-out decision based on your interests, not blind luck. This is definitely a place for physics enthusiasts. There will be many of them here during the course of your studies.
Experimental and theoretical physics, physics of atoms and particles, condensed phases, atomic nuclei. To get through it, you have to like it. During the study, the subjects of astronomy, chemistry and mathematics are also covered in a wider scope. The "queen of science", despite the fact that it is computational physics, reigns supreme here. It is used on practically every level and in every item. The difficulty of this course is also influenced by the scope of knowledge and skills that should be acquired in the field of computer science.
It requires proficiency in navigating the currently used operating systems, knowledge of programming languages, the ability to apply computational and simulation techniques in physics, knowledge of symbolic algebra systems, the ability to configure and diagnose computer hardware, as well as knowledge of artificial intelligence and neural networks. This knowledge is acquired primarily in practice.
During exercises in laboratories and computer labs, students work on a huge amount of data from various sources. There will be information of a medical, sociological and economic nature, as well as data from the nuclear physics laboratory located near Geneva. In order to skillfully use computer methods and techniques in practice, students learn to use them in various aspects: computational, simulation and hardware. They make complex calculations in relation to physical phenomena, conduct simulations of experiments, and prepare a computer and measuring equipment to be able to process the results. Having these skills is the only way to accomplish the tasks set for a computer physicist. As if that were not enough, you should focus on developing your language skills.
Obviously, knowledge of the English language is obligatory, but in this field you should develop linguistic skills, expanding the vocabulary in the field of physical and computer terminology, which are necessary in further work.
Data analysis
Graduation is, of course, a defense of the diploma thesis. Some universities require students to pass additional exams confirming their proficiency in the use of computers in physical examinations. Obtaining a diploma opens the door to career development for a university graduate.
You can look for a job for a computer physicist, among others, in: medicine, energy, automotive industry, industry and research institutes dealing with biochemistry, astrophysics, meteorology. In each of these places, knowledge of the laws and phenomena of physics is required, and using computer tools, emerging problems are solved, measurements are made and processes are improved.
The possibilities of further development are basically unlimited, because while it is not strictly IT, the skills that its graduates have are at such a high level that they do well in industries that are not specifically related to physics. You can find jobs in banking, insurance, computer and software companies, and all kinds of research centers.
These are only one of the most popular jobs for a computer physicist, but there are many more, because the versatility and level of education allow you to find a place for yourself almost everywhere. It should not be forgotten that throughout Europe, the broadly understood computer scientist or programmer is worth its weight in gold. The demand for employees with such skills is so great that their remuneration is constantly growing and there is no indication that this will change in the near future. All the more so, a person with technical education becomes a tasty morsel for employers.
Computational physics is a field worth recommending, but only for physics lovers. We do not recommend choosing this road on the basis of "maybe it will be fun", "I go here because they pay well later". Indeed, the salary for this position looks quite interesting. It is an interesting job that presents the employee with a lot of challenges, and then gives him great satisfaction. However, this only happens if you are a "flesh and blood" physicist. Only people with analytical minds, open to the development of knowledge and facing difficulties, will finish their studies with a smile on their face and with the same smile, vigorous step, will enter the labor market.