Dieting vs nutrition

from the healthy diet. In order to lose weight, people need diet that fulfills their bodies nutrition needs but is not calorie-loaded.

Dieting vs nutrition
Dieting vs nutrition

The best thing you can do for your physical health is take in food that is full of nutrition. On the other hand, dieting or what we call fad dieting means eating healthy but very often it is far from the healthy diet. In order to lose weight, people need diet that fulfills their bodies„¢ nutrition needs but is not calorie-loaded.

Health experts suggest that dieting means calorie restriction so that we can reduce weight fast. In theory, dieting stands for balanced approach towards food. However, the common practice among people trying to reduce weight is abandoning all the nutrition and just taking salads and soups to keep them full.

Fad diets especially recommend that people stop taking a type of food entirely, such as carbohydrates or fats. Fad diets may help in losing weight quickly but they disregard the basics of good nutrition. People may lose weight with the help of fad dieting but the weight loss is never sustainable.

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Most people gain back the excessive weight as soon as they stop taking the suggested fad diet. Quick weight loss has its own health risks like dehydration, tendency to feel constant fatigue, headache, malnutrition and irritability. Nutrition on the other hand, emphasizes a diet which can provide the human body with complete source of all the necessary nutrients such as vitamins, protein, minerals and calories.

All these nutrients are extremely necessary for our bodies to function healthily. A healthy diet includes plenty of vegetable and fruit along with low fat food, grains and healthy oils. Weight loss is surely possible with good nutritional food but it would be gradual yet sustainable. Good nutrition also helps us in maintaining a strong immune system, it enhances energy levels of the body and creates a sense of well-being.