Digital Autobiography - Your phone knows you best
The digital autobiography you create with your mobile allows others to analyze what you say and how you react. Big Brother always knows

The digital autobiography you create with your mobile allows others to analyze what you say and how you react. Big Brother always knows where you are. Mobile phones collect a lot of data about you and sell them to large companies for financial gain.
Your digital autobiography allows your mobile phone to know you almost as well as you know yourself. While you may not realize it, this device is an extension of yourself, and it can probably say things about you that will make you blush.
It makes a story about your life with every interaction you have, everything you "like", every photo you artical and every conversation you have.
Your reality changes when you sign up for the app, even if you aren't aware of it. Everything you are and do will become part of sophisticated algorithms with one goal in mind: to benefit from you.
Modern technology records everyday life and processes in a very sophisticated way. There are people who constantly read you, watch you and analyze you to draw conclusions about who you are.
Digital Autobiography - How Cell Phones Collect Information About People
A parallel, invisible dimension opens up to you as soon as you buy a cell phone and log into Google. While you don't see or notice it, there are an army of "spies" recording everything you do from that point on.
In fact, you gave them permission to do so in exchange for using their app. You give away your private data, accept their camouflaged surveillance and subsequent data handling.
Research, such as that carried out by the Department of Computer Science at the University of Southampton, indicates that existing privacy guidelines and approaches in these contracts are inadequate and incomplete. This is because a lot of information is hidden.
The downside is that more and more applications are designed to capture data, but we can no longer function without these resources.
Life logging - the key data collection mechanism
The recording of daily vital activity data by devices is a painstaking, continuous and highly sophisticated process. The phone tries to record everything you do (and even what you don't). Digital spies constantly obtain data through each application and work 24/7.
- As we mentioned above, apps are the order of the day and they all feature your digital autobiography. How do they do it?
- Think about smart watches and how they record your movements and lifestyle. They know how many hours you sleep, they know your eating habits, heart rate, heart condition and even the messages you send.
- There are even apps that help women keep track of their periods and show you the best days to conceive a baby.
- Other apps track your moods and give you tips on how to feel better. Some of them also serve as a personal diary to help you create shopping lists and remind you of medical appointments.
- Then we have GPS tracking of your cell phone that records every place you have been.
- Google also stores your photos. Most mobile phones have factory programs that cannot be deleted and that save your data automatically.
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Social networks and digital autobiography
Mobile applications are the most voracious interceptors of everyday personal data and life logging. However, the absolute queens of data marketing are social networks. For example, Facebook regularly reminds you of certain moments in your past through publications you have articaled in previous years.
All your experiences, interactions, shared information or published thoughts become part of the databases of big companies like Instagram, Twitter and every other social networking site.
Each uploaded photo or published data is captured within milliseconds and stored in large data centers, hidden in the most unexpected places in the world.
There is another "interesting" factor, to say the least. The digital autobiography will remain even after your death. Companies like Microsoft have already created a chatbot that can recreate a deceased person's life based on their social media articals.
Risk related to the storage of personal data
Facebook reminders of what you did two or eight years ago are mostly positive. It is also true that most of us can no longer imagine our daily life without these auxiliary resources.
Cell phones are now an extension of who we are and they certainly make life easier, increase productivity and even bring happiness.
However, all of these benefits come at a price and a dark side. First, most of this digital autobiography is never really yours. You are just a commodity. Behind this is artificial intelligence that examines you and even tries to predict your behavior - for profit.
Finally, your private data can be disclosed. Theft of private data for the purpose of blackmailing or creating a defamation policy is common. Society is faced with a very complex reality that is not yet legally regulated.