Draw your thoughts 7 ways to learn effectively

the availability of Web resources), things do not look good at all. Why? Because we can't organize ourselves wisely. Draw your thoughts.

Draw your thoughts 7 ways to learn effectively
Draw your thoughts 7 ways to learn effectively

How to learn to learn? Everyone, not only young people, would like to know the answer to this question. At a time when information is at your fingertips and it would seem that gaining knowledge is much easier than a few years ago (due to, among other things, the availability of Web resources), things do not look good at all. Why? Because we can't organize ourselves wisely. Draw your thoughts.

To overcome this, I invite you to the seven tips for effective learning. Applying these simple "commandments for our brain" will make even the most difficult task possible.

  1. Organize the workplace

It is very important in learning that the place where you study is comfortable. Just make it comfortable for you. Ventilate the room, put away unnecessary things. If you like to snack while studying, prepare some small treats in advance (e.g. nuts, which additionally support the work of the brain). Also, make sure you have drinking water available so that you don't distract yourself from work unnecessarily.

On the other hand, remember to take a break from time to time, take a walk, "stretch your bones". Returning to work, reach for another item, our brain likes changes :)

  1. Stay focused

The real bane of every learner are all "distractions". I mean, for example, a smartphone, computer, TV. Believe me, the world won't collapse without your constant presence on social media. Give up the time of learning from constantly checking what is going on with your friends.

I know some people like to learn to the sounds of music. Make sure it oozes silently. Select a songs that will not distract you.

And if you need information that requires the Internet to get it, take time to get it by logging out of social networks at the same time.

  1. Start with the hardest

Are you facing many tasks of various difficulty? Do the hardest first. Think about the fact that the more you do, the more you will feel tired or weary. It's not a good idea to reach for the complicated when you're at your end of life. A fresh, rested mind is able to overcome even the most complex obstacle.

By performing the most complex exercise at the beginning, we additionally gain a starting point. When we encounter a crisis, it is always worth remembering that since the worst is behind me, I can do it and the rest :) It seems to be nothing, and it restores faith in my own abilities.

  1. Let yourself be inspired

You don't know how to go about something? Look for a hint! Check how others coped with a similar task. And it is not about copying the results of actions from a colleague who learns better, but observing the way he copes with the exercises. Maybe thanks to this we will develop our own solution model?

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Perhaps not every idea you catch will suit you 100%, but there is a good chance that after learning many concepts, you will choose the elements that build your original school of learning.

  1. Make associations

The more difficult it is to remember something, the more associations it is worth creating. It works a bit like a "magic sentence" to help you remember the names of cases that probably every student knows.

  1. Invite the colors

Make sure your notes are colorful. This does not mean that you absolutely have to create them in all the colors of the rainbow. However, it is worth ensuring that, for example, the most important elements are distinguished graphically.

An excellent solution is also the creation of the so-called mind map. Their strength is that everyone decides for himself what is important to him. Therefore, it analyzes and then selects and segregates information in terms of importance. When creating such maps, it is necessary to remember that the main issue is placed in the center of the page, and branches with messages / passwords are placed around (and other branches, related thematically, but less and less important, depart from them).

  1. Learn in a group

It can also be very beneficial to study together with a group of good friends. Then there is a question of mutual "questioning" or explaining what causes trouble (there will always be someone who understands the problematic issues). Besides, there is strength in the group. Creating a network of connections and associations has a positive effect not only on the level of mastery of knowledge, but also on social relations.

I know the rules and what next?

When you follow the advice, you'll quickly see the difference. Then it is worth spending a moment or two to make the notes look pleasing to the eye and useful. Why is it so important? Well, it turns out that what we work out ourselves stays in our memory for a longer time. Especially if we are proud of the effects and the process itself evokes positive emotions in us.