Dress code at school - how to dress a child
What dilemmas can school wardrobe create? And what are the rules in this regard? Dress code at school - how to dress a child.

For parents, the school dress code can be quite a challenge. What dilemmas can school wardrobe create? And what are the rules in this regard? Dress code at school - how to dress a child.
When prohibitions are applied, there is resistance. Some youth and parents are against the restrictions. On the other hand, there are voices that standardizing the dress code at school is a change in the right direction. Some institutions develop dress codes similar to those in corporations. Is school a place of work and discipline? Or maybe it should be a place that gives the possibility of individual expression?
It is forbidden to wear transparent fabrics, shoulder straps, necklines - this is the norm. As is the requirement that any material worn directly on the body should be opaque. It does not seem like a big requirement. Certain clothes can, after all, be distracting. Open bellies or provocative outfits certainly do not make learning easier. If the guidelines ended here, there would be a chance that all interested parties would agree to them. What else do school regulations require?
Uniform in view of the law
School regulations dictate students how dress. The Educational Law regulated issues related to the introduction of a uniform school uniform. The school principal, at the request of the school council, the parents' council and the teachers' council, or the students' council, may introduce a "school dress code" - that is, a set of standards regarding the student's dress. The spectrum of do's and don'ts can be very wide. In one of the schools, students' cosmetics were taken away ... The skin does not breathe, the school is not a wedding party - they said, asking the students to wash their makeup in the bathroom. In the next one, arguing for lice prophylaxis, it was ordered to tie the hair.
Shorts only in the gym
The same thing is invariably required in school clothes - cleanliness and aesthetics. Less restrictive schools ask for moderately in color, while maintaining the student's personal preferences for the style - classic or sports. Others introduce more detailed guidelines. It is common to require a uniform in "school colors". Then, shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, and in the summer period T-shirts must be, for example, navy blue. Some types of schools still have uniforms.
The detail of school regulations varies. Some introduce the obligation to wear a uniform, e.g. during extracurricular activities on the school grounds when coming to school and leaving its walls. Sometimes issues of handling the costume are raised. The garment cannot be worn on the hand or over the shoulder. The outfit must be treated with respect. Often the guidelines address the issue of shorts that are strictly prohibited outside the gym. There are also general phrases, e.g. clothes must cover the entire torso.
Celebrations, examinations, competitions, and other circumstances during which the student represents the school is governed by other laws. These still require the so-called gala attire. Timeless elegance reigns: white shirts, dark pants, or skirts.
Bags, backpacks, and smooth clothes
Important elements of clothing are prints, inscriptions, and emblems. They cannot be provocative, vulgar and offensive. Depending on the type of school, studs can sometimes be considered a provocative accent. The restrictions also apply to accessories, ornaments, bags, and backpacks. When it comes to jewelry, minimalism applies - if earrings, then only one pair. Discreet, short, modest. Sometimes delicate ornaments on the wrists and fingers are allowed. Pricing (piercing and decorating the body in places other than the ears) and tattoos are absolutely forbidden in almost all schools.
Like from a hairdresser
In hairstyles, there is usually freedom in length and shape. They must always be clean and carefully combed. Restrictions are often introduced that prohibits coloring, changing the hair structure, trimming, and arranging them in a way that is associated with subcultures. We arrange long hair in such a way that it does not interfere with work during lessons, but only some schools allow gel in the hair.
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The regulations also talk about makeup. When beautifying the face, you must not: paint lips, use shadows, mascara eyelashes. You can use colorless lipsticks, and for health purposes - discreetly use fluid. Nails can paint, but only with colorless varnish. Tips, patterns, and colors are prohibited in most guidelines.
Expression of individuality
The school should provide space for individuality! - say the opponents of the regulation. Are they right? The adherents of the regulations point out other issues. Proper dress is an expression of respect for the school rules. The outfit emphasizes the competencies of the student and inspires confidence. When developing school dress code regulations, institutions follow the principle that learning is the most important thing at school. But is her tied hair conducive to her?
There are schools where colorful clothes forbid, and students' costumes resemble those from the funeral procession. There are also those who plan to be free from restrictions for the entire school year in advance. Specially designated "dress code holidays". If they fall on a day off, the next day of classes is the "celebration of one's clothes".
Many schools have decided to introduce a minimum standardization as students have the right to be different and express themselves through their own appearance. The individualism displayed through the outfit is less threatening than other forms of drawing attention to oneself. The time of experimenting with clothes is a natural stage in the development of young people, it can be a form of emphasizing group affiliation or emphasizing one's individuality and personality.
Counteracting exclusion
There are parents for whom the dress code is a limitation. There are also those for whom it is a help. The introduction of a uniform school uniform excludes the formation of divisions due to material status. Uniform style of clothing organizes the surroundings. Modest outfits are not distracting. The appearance takes a back seat. Personality, interior, and development become more important than the wealth of the wallet. The standardization of school dress counteracts poverty-based exclusion. Not all parents can afford new, fashionable clothes. The introduction of guidelines protects poor children from harassment.
Dialogue is not only about fashion
The possibility of standardizing school clothes resulted in the introduction of various regulations in schools. Each educational institution, having a choice, knowing its own environment, made decisions in consultation with its own community.
Regardless of our opinion about the introduction of the school dress code, the regulations must follow. If the student's outfit or appearance is questionable, the principal, teachers, and school staff have the right to draw their attention to them. In the event of non-compliance with the recommendations, the class teacher obliges to take into account the student's attitude and lower the behavior mark.
This does not mean that it should be gray and gray. It is important to exercise moderation when creating school dress codes. The eternal bone of contention regarding the unification of school costumes between teachers, parents, and students - was and will be. It is important to work together to find the best solutions. The overriding goal is, after all, education!