Education after 15 Sept 2020 covid-19 virus

Education like every walk of life is being disturbed from pandemic Covid 19 virus but fortunately Pakistan among those countries which are going towards the phase of normalization and where schools (9th,10th) colleges and universities along with other activities are re-open after all this mess. In mean while educational institutions, educators and families are feeling that the pandemic really badly hurt the whole education system. Education after 15 Sept 2020 covid-19 virus.
First of all we will discuss about private sector educational institutions hardship during covid-19 virus as we know that many private sectors educational institutions are solely run their businesses on fees system which is received from students. On the other hand, educators from private schools cannot get their salaries and they had to do odd jobs to win bread and bettor while on part of parents they are all time worried about school fees which are due but not yet paid due and private schools will demand this at once.
Now come to public sector educational institutions where burden of expense all and all is being bear by the government which is really helpful to support the poor classes of the society to get education and live better life. Public and private educational institutions both are very important for attaining healthy literacy rate in the country.
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Now we discuss that after 15 September 2020 will all these things going well and our students and educators and parents and schools administration will follow the SOPs if it is back what will be our government and society response like covid-19 virus. These things will be answer only and only after full fledge schools activities begin.
As we have already lost enough time do our students will face the burden on reopening of educational activities? In other words do not we think that our educational institutions are not providing the right directions to our students who cannot tackle these unplanned vocations at homes? We are not equipped our students with sense of responsibility because the time they lost will never come back despite they are promoted to the next level without any conventional examination.
These questions regarding our educational system have been asked since decades but new circumstance requires minute to minute solutions. Our students are not able to utilize unplanned vocations how they will tackle unplanned life incidents? These questions will be hopefully answered after 15 September 2020 reopening and approach towards education in any circumstances will be rightly directed at all levels.