
Online and offline: practical techniques that are equally effective in different learning formats

Online and offline: practical techniques that are equal...

This year's new wave of the pandemic is another challenge for school education. ...

Top 6 interesting team games for school children

Top 6 interesting team games for school children

Team games will help in this. After all, they create conditions in a relaxed way...

6 exercises to help calm a noisy class

6 exercises to help calm a noisy class

A noisy classroom is always another problem for a teacher! How to reassure stude...

Effective team building exercises for the teaching staff

Effective team building exercises for the teaching staff

We offer Effective team building, the implementation of which will help improve ...

Difficulties in communicating with peers in primary school age and overcoming them

Difficulties in communicating with peers in primary sch...

The birth of a child gradually acquires social skills in communicating with adul...

Competition vs Collaboration: what to choose?

Competition vs Collaboration: what to choose?

Why is team spirit important? What motivates children to learn better - competit...

What is the school system in Austria?

What is the school system in Austria?

The school system in Austria differs from many country . Find out about the orga...

The first day of school - how to prepare a child for it?

The first day of school - how to prepare a child for it?

The first day of school is a great experience not only for the student himself, ...

School charter - what is it and what does it contain?

School charter - what is it and what does it contain?

The school charter is a document that contains information on all areas of the i...

School without homework, tests and ... subjects, or how they do it in Finland

School without homework, tests and ... subjects, or how...

School without homework, tests and ... subjects, or how they do it in Finland Al...

Integrative class for a healthy child

Integrative class for a healthy child

otherness of others. These are the qualities necessary to become a mature member...

Exclusion - How to Help a Child in a New Class?

Exclusion - How to Help a Child in a New Class?

for solutions that harm them, such as violence or drugs. For the parent, it is a...

Children versus adults. Are we sure we remember the same?

Children versus adults. Are we sure we remember the same?

must be saved somehow in order to be able to use them at the right moment [1]. C...

What is the school system in Switzerland like?

What is the school system in Switzerland like?

The country is also famous for a very high level of education, which is consider...

I'm sick of my kids - am I a bad parent?

I'm sick of my kids - am I a bad parent?

They don\'t have to be perfect in everything, just like we don\'t have to be the...

Child's homework in the older grades - (not) help?

Child's homework in the older grades - (not) help?

In the higher grades of primary school, when a child's homework moves to a subje...