
Exemption from physical education - in what situations? How to write them?

Exemption from physical education - in what situations?...

Exemption from physical education may take place in situations where a student s...

Camps for children and youth - which ones are worth choosing?

Camps for children and youth - which ones are worth cho...

Camps for children and adolescents are an ideal idea to provide a teenager with ...

What backpack for a first grader and a teenager?

What backpack for a first grader and a teenager?

What backpack for high school? Check out our tips and choose the perfect model f...

Learning to paint - useful tips for beginners

Learning to paint - useful tips for beginners

Learning to paint can be a great adventure and a great passion, but it takes tim...

How to focus on learning? 5 tips

How to focus on learning? 5 tips

effectively counteracted. Check out our ways to focus on learning that will help...

How to learn to draw? Methods and tips

How to learn to draw? Methods and tips

How to learn to draw? Many people ask themselves this question. Willingness, fre...

5 ideas for an extraordinary start to the school year

5 ideas for an extraordinary start to the school year

So what's new to try? Here are some great ideas to help you start the new year i...

Educational functions of software, types, advantages, disadvantages

Educational functions of software, types, advantages, d...

This software is designed solely to facilitate learning and learning. Educationa...

Relationship based cooperation with the student

Relationship based cooperation with the student

cooperate. So what is collaboration and why don't students collaborate with teac...

New website - show off your school!

New website - show off your school!

By looking at the new website, they form their first opinion about the school. T...

Empathy in the teacher student relationship

Empathy in the teacher student relationship

other person in what they are experiencing. So what is empathy and how does it i...

A caring employee is a better employee - how to support teachers

A caring employee is a better employee - how to support...

remembers better and learns faster, supports concentration and maintains enthusi...

Cheating - Cheating or Coping?

Cheating - Cheating or Coping?

cheating is a sign of cleverness and resourcefulness, for others it is simply di...

Teacher - a specialist in supporting success

Teacher - a specialist in supporting success

that a teacher can take to make teaching effective, fast and fun, because only s...

Planning the educational process - goals and tools

Planning the educational process - goals and tools

be devoted to the implementation of tasks, and not considering the next steps or...

Virtual movement - a challenge not only in PE lessons

Virtual movement - a challenge not only in PE lessons

but there are possibilities to break the patterns and show the importance of mov...