Techniques for teaching 6-year-olds to manage their emo...
This time we focus on how to teach 6-year-olds to manage their emotions. Techniq...
What are Math for Answers to the big question
students of all generations desperate to have to solve mathematical problems, fa...
Mistakes parents make when we want children to read
Avoiding these mistakes that parents usually make when we want our child to read...
9 reasons to introduce art as early as possible in chil...
have access to the same resources to give them that opportunity. reasons to intr...
The importance of having specialized teaching staff in ...
that these teachers have proper training master in special education. The import...
7 tricks to limit children's time in front of screens
culprits and look to the past, we are going to focus on the present and give you...
The digital age, education and work: details of a trans...
the workplace and education have not been exempt from having technological influ...
Higher Education Commission (HEC) Renews Education Tran...
Microsoft Pakistan and Higher education commission (HEC) has signed an Education...
What is an atom?
enormously, as one atomic model succeeded the previous one through the centuries...
Special Education will soon be presenting standard book...
Sources close to the National Institute for Special Education (NISE) suggest tha...
Technological education in times of uncertainty
important role in education, to develop the competence of solving problems using...
Media and modern technologies - a chance for better edu...
system. Learn how to properly use the potential of digital media for the benefit...
Restlessness, disrupted teaching, inattentiveness - is ...
warnings, and interruptions in lessons. Why is that and what can be done about i...
Critical thinking in education
We must be attentive to the quality of our thinking and that of our students. To...
Education Minister Punjab Tested Positive after Corona ...
Minister of Education in Punjab, Dr. Murad Raas, tested positive for the corona ...
9 tips for children to use the Internet in a healthy an...
phishing or malware are becoming more and more familiar to us. children to use t...