
Sociology: value orientations of youth Abstract

Sociology: value orientations of youth Abstract

These concepts are the subject of study of many sciences, in particular, philoso...

The final decision to open universities and schools

The final decision to open universities and schools

The National Command and Operations Center (NCOC) approved the Ministry of Educa...

How should I think about my references?

How should I think about my references?

therefore highly relevant in the recruitment process when it is time for the ref...

5 tips for a convincing resume

5 tips for a convincing resume

job. But how do you write a compelling resume? We share some valuable tips for y...

What happens after my degree?

What happens after my degree?

strategy. Here we give our best tips on how you can think to get the best condit...

What is scientific thinking?

What is scientific thinking?

What is Scientific thought is a mode of reasoning inaugurated by the emergence o...

Noon Academy Saving the Future of Pakistan with Social Learning Platform for Education

Noon Academy Saving the Future of Pakistan with Social ...

Noon Academy, an international EdTech startup that is pioneering the concept of ...

The smartphone at school is not as dangerous as it is painted

The smartphone at school is not as dangerous as it is p...

show their students their alternative use - these are some of the conclusions of...

How can a teacher measure his/her influence on students?

How can a teacher measure his/her influence on students?

Visible Student Learning has devoted a lot of space to the influence of a teache...

What are the branches of physics?

What are the branches of physics?

and biology, it has profoundly revolutionized the way we humans understand and d...

What is school assessment for?

What is school assessment for?

Let's talk about grading. What is school assessment for? How can we check if our...

Use of computer information technologies! In the main functions of management

Use of computer information technologies! In the main f...

Information technologies - a system of methods and ways of collecting, transmitt...

Four sentences to avoid in teaching

Four sentences to avoid in teaching

Especially avoid these sentences in teaching mathematics, although they are harm...

Why are we learning this?

Why are we learning this?

every proposal of the teacher without murmuring. What does formative assessment ...

Teacher - stop!

Teacher - stop!

Degrees and Success

Degrees and Success

this success. First, I will outline my concerns about the exams and grades, and ...