
Must read books of 2020 for students

Must read books of 2020 for students

valuable for the students of the current generation to learn and to impart on sp...

How a lack of education effects elections

How a lack of education effects elections

our very own hands is a lack of proper education to turn students into responsib...

Will HEC Close Down Schools

Will HEC Close Down Schools

statements rather than lean towards said thing sin social media and other news s...

What is uniform education system?

What is uniform education system?

The uniform education system is announced to be implemented in Pakistan by the y...

What is Cambridge assessment international?

What is Cambridge assessment international?

teach basic concepts and not to rely on memorization rather than inferential top...

What does a teacher expect in return for his service to students?

What does a teacher expect in return for his service to...

subtraction. Teaching is quite a tough job as it requires a lot of hard work and...

The importance of an Agricultural Science degree

The importance of an Agricultural Science degree

An agricultural science degree is one where students learn to understand the cor...

Karamat Ali Raahguzar To Dekho book based on his interviews

Karamat Ali Raahguzar To Dekho book based on his interv...

A book titled, Raahguzar To Dekho, has recently been published to acknowledge ov...

Should we teach road safety to students?

Should we teach road safety to students?

of properly assessing students and most driving tests do not even consider prope...

Should we pursue a master degree after completing our Baccalaureate?

Should we pursue a master degree after completing our B...

A baccalaureate degree is the completion of 4 years of education in a specific f...

Do we need smart whiteboards in classrooms?

Do we need smart whiteboards in classrooms?

do not prioritize getting things such as smart white boards because they are a r...

Verbal Learning The sole method of learning communication?

Verbal Learning The sole method of learning communication?

parents are not focusing on having their child proper speech patterns. Verbal Le...

The need of Augmented Reality in Education

The need of Augmented Reality in Education

Augmented Reality in Education or AR is when technology is used to create altera...

The Prime Minister Dream Building a Knowledge City

The Prime Minister Dream Building a Knowledge City

university was to be named Namal University and its construction will end by 202...

Beaconhouse Group partners with Teach For Pakistan

Beaconhouse Group partners with Teach For Pakistan

Saifullah Khan and Mr. Tajamal Shah were also present at the occasion. Beaconhou...

Should students take an interest in politics?

students re gaining knowledge as to how important politics and world affairs rea...