Educational News
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Quality Education-Educational News
As the economy grows, there are massive cuts in almost every aspect of life. From work to consumption, people are forced to make sacrifices to make ends meet. Some organizations and businesses have made cuts to make ends meet. Amidst all these cuts, educational news has been a topic of discussion. On the one hand, some colleges have reduced course offerings and hired faculty to compensate for the lack of funding. On the other hand, some schools have simply increased tuition to maintain the quality of their education.
New York Times- Educational News
According to the New York Times article "Study Finds Public Dissatisfaction with Colleges". Many Americans are losing faith in college education. In fact, 60% of the people surveyed said: "Today's universities are run like businesses and are more interested in their profits than in the educational experience of their students." A large number of the American public believes that universities and colleges are more interested in their financial returns than the education they provide.
In a speech, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke about the true function of education, saying it is to "teach people to think deeply and think critically." He went on to say: "But an education that stops at efficiency may prove to be the greatest threat to society."
So, with the recent cuts to higher education, are schools becoming a threat to society, or are they continuing to teach students to think deeply and critically?
School News
In order for schools to operate "effectively," they need the necessary resources. Highly trained teachers, the latest technology, a clean campus, and a welcoming place to learn. However, these things cannot be achieved without money. So how can Americans continue to receive the educational standards they expect if schools cut tuition?
In the same study, more than two-thirds believe that universities should "use federal stimulus money to hold down tuition, even if it means less money for operations and programs." But it's important to note that those two-thirds are also some of the 60 percent who say "universities run like businesses." So these two-thirds say they would rather reduce tuition by reducing funding for "operations and programs" than turn universities into "businesses" that they oppose.
Terry Hartel, senior vice president for government and public affairs at the American Council on Education. Said of tuition reduction that "the public is not always right." He went on to explain that it takes money to run a top university and if schools cut tuition. Then "they have to make cuts in areas that most people think are fundamental to quality."