Educational requirements for grades 1-3

Educational requirements for grades 1-3 are teacher-developed expectations for the student at the first stage of primary school. Compliance with the requirements by the child gives the basis for an interim and annual classification assessment.
Educational requirements are nothing more than a list of activities and skills that a child must acquire at a given stage of education. They are developed at the institutional level, based on the core curriculum for a given class.
The core curriculum determines what knowledge and skills the school should convey to the student at a given stage of education. The level of the core curriculum is adapted to the average abilities and abilities of the student, thus giving every child a chance to master it.
Table of Contents:
Educational requirements
Educational requirements for grades 1-3
Math education
Nature education
IT education
Technical education
Art education
Music education
Physical education
Educational requirements
Educational requirements are included in the statutes of each school. They usually define the requirements at the basic and secondary (extended) level. They are the starting point for determining the evaluation criteria.
Most often, the basic level is characterized by the following grades: admitting and satisfactory; what are the educational requirements for grades 1-3?
Educational requirements for grades 1-3
Assessment criteria can be differentiated into several subjects. No grades are required at the first stage of school education, because the mid-term and annual grades 1-3 are descriptive.
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Most schools, however, use the normal grading system on a 1-6 scale throughout the year and develop their criteria on this scale. What are the educational requirements in grades 1-3 are best presented in subject differentiation?
The requirements include speaking and listening skills, writing, reading, and language training. At the primary level, a first-grade student is required to: listening comprehension, reciting, building sentences, knowing the alphabet in speech and writing, careful writing, distinguishing between sounds and syllables.
In the second grade, the student should be able to build longer statements, participate in a substantive discussion, express himself correctly, recite, read with punctuation marks, describe any objects, recognize the types of sentences. The third grade requires fluent expressive reading, silent reading with understanding, knowledge of spelling rules, and speaking in complex and logical sentences.
Math education
The requirement in this respect for a first-class student is, among others. Distinguishing between pages, knowledge of numbers, addition and subtraction within 10, reading time and date, ability to measure and weigh, knowledge of coins and banknotes.
A second grade student should add and subtract within 100, multiply and divide within 30, recognize and draw simple geometric shapes, read temperature from a thermometer.
In third grade, students are required to add and subtract up to 1000, multiply and divide up to 100, solve complex word problems, take measurements, know weight and measure units.
Nature education
The requirements for the first grade student are, among others recognition of flora and fauna, knowledge of emergency numbers and atmospheric phenomena, knowledge of environmental protection, knowledge of hygiene and proper nutrition.
The second-grader should be able to distinguish between basic fruits and vegetables, adjust atmospheric phenomena to the seasons of the year, and determine the location of mountains or the sea in Poland.
In the third grade, a closer knowledge of the country is required - monuments, lands; ability to read a map, pointing to the most important places on the map.
IT education
According to the educational requirements for first-graders, the first-grader should acquire the ability to efficiently use a computer and instrumentation, as well as basic educational programs and games.
Second graders should be able to create in simple graphic programs, prepare presentations, use the Internet, know the rules of safety on the Internet.
In the third grade, the student should be able to search for the necessary information on websites, use the function keys, know the rules of saving, deleting and moving files, use basic editing programs.
Technical education
A first-class student should know the rules of home appliances, do some DIY and do certain manual work. In the second grade, the level of work is slightly higher, but the educational requirement is primarily the student's commitment and preparation for work.
It is also important to know the rules of the road. In the third grade, these skills are required at a higher level.
Art education
The first-grader should undertake basic creative activity, recognize areas of art, and perform simple art works. The second grade requires careful work with attention to detail. In the third grade, the student should express their thoughts through art works, willingly undertake art works, and keep the workplace tidy.
Music education
The educational requirement in this respect is the ability to sing / play a known song, knowledge of musical signs, performing a simple accompaniment.
The first grader should also know and correctly perform the Polish national anthem. In the second grade, it is important to be involved in various musical projects proposed by the teacher.
In the third grade, the student should know the notes and draw them correctly, sing familiar songs and play an instrument.
Physical education
According to the educational requirement, the assessment in physical education for a first-class student should concern the appropriate attitude of the student, his individual effort and commitment during the lesson.
The first grader should be able to perform simple exercises and take care of their own and others' safety. Second graders and third graders should be physically fit, actively participate in games and sports activities.