Elderly people lost in modern times
the attention of psychologists and specialists in other branches of health is drawn to the elderly. Elderly people lost in modern times

Our world is getting old. Life expectancy has increased - and so has quality of life. In previous epochs people were preparing to die all their lives, now - they are starting to live. This is why the attention of psychologists and specialists in other branches of health is drawn to the elderly. Elderly people lost in modern times
Their bodies may have retired, but the elderly still hold many worries and dreams within them. Whether they have grandchildren or not, elderly people approaching or over the age of 70 must maintain the physical and mental abilities needed to maintain a high level of activity. Time may have left many wrinkles on their faces, but their muscles are still strong and their minds still think clearly.
Elderly people and loneliness
This may be one of the greatest problems facing modern society. A feeling of staying in touch with everyone while distancing yourself. It comes down to superficial conversations about planning and weather.
This is where the first reason older people suffer quietly - the digital divide. What they see around them is a world that is difficult for them to understand. When they look at it, it feels like a really steep hill. Phones, computers and tablets make it difficult for them to find their own place in the world.
One way or another, digitizing the world makes older people feel excluded. This in turn causes these people to feel very distant from their children or grandchildren because they cannot find a way to get close to them. They notice how the screens give answers that once fell from the mouths of wise older people.
This invisible border is exceptionally wide and deep. The older part of our society is used to telling stories, expressing their thoughts. They are used to ringing a landline, hanging up the receiver, and feeling buttons that are physically pressing against the pressure of their fingers.
It's a world they've spent most of their lives in and learned to understand, but now this whole world seems completely out of date.
Why do they feel so lonely?
The real problem is not the current situation, which is of course an obstacle, but more what it prevents. Namely, it prevents the development of common interests and fun together in the quiet moments of life. Now there is a way of communicating that no one is fully prepared for yet.
And we're not just talking about words. We're talking about hugs and kisses that you don't give people through emoticons. We are talking about the real type of communication where you have to use your body.
The feeling of failure
Getting older also means feeling more pain. Pain for lost situations that will never come back. Regret for the loss of a childhood in which the world was full of endless miracles and mischief.
Their first girlfriend or boyfriend, their first true love, friends they stayed with until sunrise, hangover days or journals where they wrote down pages full of dreams with one common denominator: excitement. Or their first job, their first salary, the first decision they made without looking back ...
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Their last job, their last day of work, their last child, their last drink, their last dance, or their last trip. Getting older also means having more memories. After all, it also means giving up classes due to physical limitations.
Older people lose things for natural reasons, but when they take these losses as part of themselves, it can turn into a real problem. Especially when they feel the weight is leaning towards the side of things they can't do, instead of the side of what they can do. One example of such an unfortunate situation is nursing homes.
The world of nursing homes
Elderly people who cannot care for themselves often live in nursing homes. For some, it's a scary word: nursing homes. Unfortunately, it is true that many people enter such houses and never leave them.
It is also true that many people who lose their physical independence still have enough mental clarity to understand that their condition will not improve.
This, above all else, can be the greatest source of pain faced by the elderly in today's world. It is not easy to talk about it. It is not easy to put into words.
That's because it's a sad reality and it's really hard to discuss. In many cases, this is taboo as much as the idea of €¹€¹sex with teenagers. On the subject of such a taboo, we all hide our heads in the sand like ostriches. We are not taking action, we are not taking action. But if we did - and we did it right - we could achieve something beautiful and incredibly important.
3 big problems for older people
Loneliness, lack of understanding, and lack of pain relief are perhaps the three biggest problems facing older people. And they are all related to each other. But these are also issues where we can be of greatest assistance to the elderly around us.
These three things cause much of the sadness we see on the faces of older people. Unfortunately, many older people are lonely and feel that they have all abandoned them before they die. They feel as if the generations they have cared for and watched as they grow up have drifted completely away from them.
They would like to talk about it, but at the same time it makes them feel too much of a burden. Like a fifth wheel on a wagon, completely out of place. They crave attention but don't want to be another source of stress for their kids. So most of the time they don't say anything.
They feel that their problems, worries and dreams are no longer important. Like their family members, they worry about getting sick, but nothing else. As if their body was fundamental now, not their soul.
Making it easier for older people to stay in nursing homes
In the world we have created, nursing homes are essential. They play an important role because they make it possible for the elderly to get attention. But let's not close the door from the outside. We must constantly view them as viable, no matter how their physical abilities have declined.
It's not just about visiting them. It's about asking them questions and letting them talk, talk about their fears and fears without criticizing or dismissing them.
It's about being their followers - even their readers and writers if they want to. We need to make them feel important to us. We must let them know that we do not see them as a burden, but rather that their company makes us happy.
In doing so, we will not only help our elderly relatives feel part of society (which also means a sense of belonging to a family).
We will also show future generations that the human part of life, no matter how much technology we develop, should never be forgotten. Especially not for the people who need it most, for the people we love.